Friday, September 25, 2020

Is it time for a ‘whiff of grapeshot’ to bring the rioters to heel?

 Via John

 Conservative Truth - Violent BLM and Antifa Protesters Need to Smell a Whiff  of Grapeshot! - Don Boys, PhD - 2020-07-31

Black Lives Matter and Antifa have a pattern: Whenever they don’t like something, they violently take to the streets to show their displeasure. Significantly, their protests are not localized. In cities across America, residents are being trained that, if they cross the mob, the mob will destroy them. Over five years, with accelerated speed in 2020, state and urban governments across America, by embracing the mob’s “defund the police” policy, have ceded their streets to the mob. 

This cannot continue. It is destabilizing America, especially now that the mob makes implicit and explicit threats of future violence if Americans don’t vote for Biden, the mob’s preferred candidate.

More @ American Thinker


  1. The only way to stop the shit shows around the country is going to be by having the bodies hit the floor. It's way past the time for these Revolucionários to get their comeuppance. They want violence? Give it to them--- in spades.

    You don't reward a rabid dog for chewing on your leg--- You put a bullet in its brain pan.

  2. Snipers with really, really good optics. You light a molotov, you get dropped. You attack an innocent, or a squad car, or throw a brick at a window, you get infinitem.

    1. Ever talk to a former communist agitator? They WANT mass-casualty events. Sure, they might lose one or two of their trained cadre, but most of the cannon fodder will be "useful idiots". And as soon as it happens, the media will put serious pressure on the government to crack down on those evil white supremacists who are causing all the violence, which they - of course - will.

  3. Yes, we need about 20 or 30 talented offensive shooter to show up in Portland with eradication on their minds. The RevComs don't really understand violence. Someone should show them. That would put an end to this crap fast. We are at war, we just aren't participating.

  4. I have something a little better then grapeshot... BUCKSHOT!

  5. In my old Saga 12 that was stolen I had 00 followed by a slug.

  6. The rioters need to be shot. Then the people actively coordinating and enabling them need to be found and shot. Followed by the Governers, mayors, city councilors and police leaders who have not only allowed the rioters to continue unchallenged but have given permission and even legal protection to burn, harass and kill while punishing law-abiding citizens. Finally every media person and political pundit who knowingly gives aid and comfort to these criminals and do everything in their power to smear and demonize any citizen who dares to resist the mob.

    Every last one of them are responsible for the horrendous state of our cities and country. They're just as if not more responsible then members of these mobs for every burned building, ruined life and dead citizen.

    I don't know if or when all of these people will be able to be held accountable. But I do know there are plenty of folks out there who do realize that it's not just the mob who needs to be taught a lesson.

    1. That was the penalty when I grew up. Also my Fathers's farms were posted with Trespassers Will Be Shot on Sight. Mainly for the hunters coming down from DC and PA who shot deer from their cars.

  7. You give the rioters WAY too much credit. They arent "the mob". They are a tiny fraction of a tiny fraction and they are in it for the money and power. They don't deserve "grape". There are plenty of local police to put this into the bag, permanently. They havent because their masters are on the same side as the rioters. And the people being harmed, voted for those masters. Sucks to be them. Not my problem. I would be against anyone trying to make this the army's problem.


    1. If the city really can't control them, then it's up to the NG.

    2. As I said. The city could control them. They choose not to.

