I am encouraged by the rapid response on the part of the citizens - a group was on the ground within 10 minutes of identifying the terrorist threat, and thus were able to defend against the terrorists when they arrived. Once the terrorists recognized that defenders were onsite, and vocal, they left.
Let's see more of that Minuteman spirit, eh wot? Additionally, know the provisions of the existing statutes that protect our statues and the agency(s) of your state government that is obligated to execute that law.
If your state doesn't have such a provisions, ask why not and then make it happen. Also, support and ally with those activities that are organized and pushing back against this Orwellian nightmare - in our state, it appears to be the Sons of Confederate Veterans, formed in 1896. In particular, the opportunity to further the cause via Make Dixie Great Again. In particular, the tactics and special operations.
For example, there is some very ugly stuff going down in Portsmouth VA, and I might have some of the details wrong here. Still, as I understand the situation, a seated state senator, black woman, was part of a group, along with her daughter, that vandalized a statue - another terrorist was physically injured when part of the statue fell on him. Anyway, as she was being brought to task for this terrorist act (felony charges were brought against her), she countered by levying charges of racism (of course) and filed a lawsuit. The city manager, another black woman implicated in the terrorist act (directing the police chief not to investigate, citing "conflict of interest"), decided to resign, the city attorney was fired, the police chief was fired, and the replacement police chief was placed on administrative leave.
Do an Internet search and prepare to be stunned as to how little of this you hear on the mainstream news. Here's one recent local report. At the bottom of that report is contact information - email and telephone - for the reporter. It is a good idea to use the media as one pillar of your intelligence efforts - think of them as an asset. It might be wise to make this an item of special interest.
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