Sunday, October 18, 2020

Prepare And Be Calm

 Via John

If America Goes Socialist Is Civil War Inevitable? - The Post & Email

If the indicators are accurate, what is coming is not going to be pleasant.

What you do about it and whether you will come through it will be largely dependent on two things:  your attitude and knowledge of what is happening, why it is happening and what to do about it.

There is a reality the middle class needs to deal with:  You are the target of all of the attacks that have occurred since the Kennedy assassination.  The reason you are the target is that an oligarchy like communism, socialism or a monarchy requires a social order made up of two classes:  The elite and the workers.  These forms of government cannot function with a middle class that has upward mobility.  Thus, as long as there is a middle class, there can be no world government.

You can blame anyone you want for what has, is, and will be happening to American citizens in the near future… what is yet to come will be a first for all of us.  The truth is, the problems we now face have been brewing for over 100 years.  It is like a pimple that, when filled with puss, final. 

More @ News With Views


  1. It won't last long. Not after the rural areas simply cut off the food and energy supplies to large urban areas. All the EBT cards in the world won't help if there is nothing to buy.

    1. I was recently talking to an individual about guns and I liked his replay on shotguns."Shotgun Fights Don't Last Long"
