Saturday, November 21, 2020

Here Are The Reasons Why It's Impossible to Accept the Biden Vote "Lead" in Three Key Battleground States

Via Merlin

The key to the fraud is in the statistics of the votes recorded for each candidate. Vote counts in states are recorded as the counts continue. When you do so, for example in Georgia and quite improbably, Trump's lead of 370,000 magically shrank to barely more than 100,000 in less than 2 hours in the wee hours of the morning after the election..  It is utter nonsense.

 check out this chart I made from publicly available vote counting data......

Looking at it from the perspective of how the vote counts came in over time.....


Here is the public data; does anyone really believe that Trump held a 374,000 vote LEAD over Biden at 4:58 am, and it shrank by nearly 260,000 votes in the course of less than 2 hours; 1 hour and 38 minutes to be more precise. Simple math says that Trump's LEAD was shrinking by nearly 3,000 votes per minute (!) That is absurd. This pattern repeated in two other "battleground" states, Wisconsin and Michigan.  To make things even "fishier," this same thing not only happened in in those two states, but it happened within the same 2 hour time frame. All three of them at the same time.   Hmmm..... As The Bonehead would say, "C'mon, Man, that's malarkey." a significant number of mail-in ballots(WI).   I've named it, "The Biden Jump" because it happened in three battleground states almost simultaneously.You saw "the jump" in Georgia, and here it is in Michigan...

Same thing in Wisconsin....

All this leads to one conclusion; it's more than implausible, it's impossible This is not the work of voters, this is the work of people manipulating votes to a pre-determined endpoint......which leaves me to conclude with an F-bomb, this one.........


I'm not the only one who has caught on to this, the greatest election scam in US history. The following article shows election night was a pretty good night for Republicans overall, the "Blue Wave" went the other way.  So Republicans did well, but we are expected to believe that Donald Trump, singularly, did not.   That could be accounted for by the hundreds of thousands of ballots reported with only one vote recorded, and that one vote, was almost always for The Bonehead.  If you believe that; I've got oceanfront property in Colorado I can sell you really can ski and surf in the same hour.If you don't want to believe your lyin' eyes, I can't help you.  Next, I'll be looking at the Grand Daddy of Vote Fraud, The State of Pennsylvania and the horribly corrupt Democrat city of Filthadelphia.

Here Are Some Major Reasons Why It’s Hard to Believe 


  1. More drool here. Trump says in advance not to vote by mail. Surprise, surprise, more Republicans follow his lead than Democrats. So later counted mail in votes tend Democratic.

    1. He stated to vote by absentee ballot which you request.

  2. What do the time stamps mean on your first two Georgia vote graphs? It cannot be Minutes, and Hours do not make any sense either. Where are your legends?

  3. What do your time stamps on the first two graphs (The ones for georgia) mean? Where are your legends? It took about four or five days for the Biden vote to overtake Trumps but thats around 370. It doesn't make sense as Hours and it doesn't make sense as minutes. What is the time scale?

    1. I sent you comments to the man who did the chart and we shall see.

    2. His answer. Thanks.


      12:20 AM (12 hours ago)

      to me

      Brock, those are numbers that come from the GA Board of Elections. They are not time stamps, as far as I know - but not sure what the numbers represent. Don't have time to research it because we've moved on to another problem issue; potential fraud associated with "Same Day Registered" voters.

      What is important to see is the similar pattern of a "jump" in Biden votes that wiped out or greatly reduced Trumps' large leads across several states and those jumps occurred in the same approximate time frame - which likely reveals it was pre-planned and well coordinated. Hope that helps.

