Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The Future of Fox News and the Future of America


Above courtesy of The Abbeville Institute

If the Deep State should finally complete its theft of the 2020 election, perhaps Donald Trump should invest his fortune in a genuinely populist traditionalist television network? Of course, he’d have to first divest himself of all of the various subversive Republican and establishment conservative apparatchiks who have surrounded him and undermined his presidency. And fight vigorously Big Tech, Big Media, and Big Government.

A capital idea? Yes; but is it already too late in a decadent and dying America? Is there life yet in the Framer’s dream?

It happened on Saturday morning, November 14, 2020, at around 8:15 EST. I had switched over to briefly catch some national news on the Fox News Channel. All of a sudden I heard—and saw—Pete Hegseth stop in the middle of the sentence he was reading from his teleprompter: “…there weren’t any substantiated cases of voter fraud in the swing states….” And there, as he spoke that line, he interjected: “I’m not sure I agree with that script on the teleprompter.”

Think of it: a major newscaster on a major television news network all of a sudden halting his narrative to publicly declare that he did not accept the party line—that he did not agree with what the news writers had set down authoritatively as gospel for him to say on camera.

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