Monday, December 14, 2020

A Red and Blue Divorce?


The only way of a successful secession would be for the truth to be told historically. That truth? That the republic was destroyed in 1865. A national government was formed and has grown into a nearly complete socialist-Marxist leviathan. Voters have no say. The unelected Washington Deep State has all to say.

The red and the blue—states that is– are as different as the colorless black and white landscapes absent from the color spectrum. The concept of separate states for separate cultures is as old as Canaan and Egypt. The concept of separation for moral law is as old as these two, as well.

Today on any given “news” outlet, maps are displayed of the 50 United states with some states colored red and some colored blue. The distinction is usually drawn that the blue are democrats, the red Republicans. The blue, supposedly, are more liberal (not literally), the red more conservative (again not literally). But each a conglomeration of each of the other with the color running anywhere from 55-45% to 65-35%, the majority number determining the color of the state. And that majority is generally a fixture of the wants and needs of that state and often its culture.

More @ The Abbeville Institute


  1. Fine, we get a restraining order, blues can't come any closer then 200 miles from our border.
