Monday, December 21, 2020

Sources point to a statute within the constitution, which not only gives provision to, but requires the Vice President to reject fraudulent electoral votes


Sources point to a statute within the constitution, which not only gives provision to, but requires the Vice President to reject fraudulent electoral votes

To say that this news has the potential to rock the boat is an understatement….

Vice President Pence has not only the constitutional authority, but the constitutional obligation to say no to electoral votes from fraudulent state elections.

The particular statute granting this authority is U.S.C. 12.

This could mean serious trouble for the Democrats who conducted an election with widespread reports of irregularity and misconduct, across state lines, around the country.

More @ WLT


  1. I hope Pence does his Constitutional duty.

    1. It seems that if this is valid and he does his duty, he might be VP for 4 more years.

  2. Maybe we better be doing a forensic analysis of VP Pence and his finances....see if he's "come into some money" lately.

  3. There is something about him I don't trust.
