Monday, January 25, 2021

Biden Proposes $200 Gun Tax and Firearm Buyback Program Along with 13 page Form that Asks for Fingerprints and Photograph


Your fingerprints and a photograph of yourself will be required on the form.

This will be a difficult program to enact for the Biden regime. In 2020 a record number of Americans bought guns. According to the National Shooting Sports Foundation 8.4 million people bought a gun for the first time in 2020.

More @ The Gateway Pundit


  1. They sure aren't wasting any time creating that unity are they?

  2. The Biden clone zombie is an AI system broadcasting the Bilderberg agenda, as publishes.

  3. The ol'deagel says the human population of the former usa will drop significantly - that's cause all you jab takers can no longer be classified as human. Your dna has been augmented, you are now a gmo.

  4. The Adults in the Room will ignore this kind of schlop coming from the MSM. They tried something similar in Canada. Canada spent almost a Billion dollars and never completed the registration process. Compliance was spotty even with horrific punishments for non-compliance. Trying this here, even getting a $200/gun tax to offset the expense, would be costly beyond imagination. If they got 40% compliance they would be doing well and they'd only get that level cooperation if they offered registration for free. Just imagine the paperwork involved in doing backround checks of half the gun owners in the USA. The NFA requires those checks be done in every state. 80 million gun owners times 50 states is 4,000,000,000 backround checks. It would take many years, perhaps a decade, to get the job done. That's even if the states submitted to doing those checks and there is no reason to think they wouldn't object to the man hours required to comply with this federal mandate. It didn't work in Canada, New Zealand or Australia, and it won't work here. It's been tried in Connecticut and New York. It was a total failure in both states. The fun part of this is that even if it is somehow pushed into law, it will be ignored by both citizens and much of law enforcement. How many folks went to prison for flash hiders on post ban guns during the assault weapons ban ? No, this is just another benchmark showing how clueless people are in the beltway. Proves beyond a shadow of a doubt they can't do math.

    1. Thanks.

  5. This whole concept of registration or gun tax or a xiden administration is beyond comprehension. So many citizens screamed that the election was a fraud, that an illegitimate cabal was in charge, I correct? So what are we talking here? What happen to civil disobedience? to becoming ungovernable? Oh well they stole the position fair and square, we'll get'um next time? Like living in the twilight zone.

    1. Maybe my perspective is off, I currently reside in one of the blue states under tyrannical oppression. Fortunately I live very rural and have not experienced much personally. We have one grocery store, two gas stations and a handful of karens -
