Monday, January 11, 2021

California Is Worse Than You Think


Progressivism is a utopian philosophy of governance that will never find nor create its utopia. If California voters and politicians do not understand the current crisis and how it came about, they probably never will understand. Instead, we will see the continuous march to perdition as California politicians refuse to acknowledge that they are killing the geese laying the golden eggs.

My colleague from the philosophy department was becoming increasingly angry. He was trying to be polite, but it was clear that he was raging inside. After a few minutes, he smiled a very strained smile and excused himself.

Our conversation was about California, or to be more specific, California governance. As readers can imagine, he was bullish on how the Democratic Party governs the state, California being perhaps the most one-party state in the USA. Every statewide election has gone to a Democrat in the last decade, and Democrats have a supermajority in the state legislature, which means that there is no meaningful Republican opposition and whatever the Democrats want, they get.

More @ Mises


  1. Talk, talk, talk. So many voices wanting to explain what happened and why it happened and what we can expect moving forward.

    A blind man could see what happened and why and how. Anyone with intelligence of a spoon can know what to expect. People may disagree on that last point but that is due to whether they welcome or aghast of what is coming; one's perspective does not alter the reality.

    The Mises article contains a hot link to Steven Greenhut, presenting him as if he's a neutral observer. I fervently disagree. Here is a snippet from a recent article from Greenhut:

    "...a violent seize of the United States Capitol by pro-Trump mobs who were incited by the president..."

    I would say all this yammering is seeking to diffuse the rightful anger of 75 to 80 million voters and their families. I'm not participating in this crap. I reckon most are waiting for the next two weeks to show what our course of action shall be. I'm ready one way or the other. We're all ready. If these wordsmiths and their puppet masters think they will dispel with words the coming wrath they are mistaking. But let them reside in their bias - what has worked will continue to work - as The People amass to prepare to unleash righteous justice upon those denizens of darkness.

    1. "...a violent seize of the United States Capitol by pro-Trump mobs who were incited by the president..."

      I would say all this yammering is seeking to diffuse the rightful anger of 75 to 80 million voters and their families.

      Agreed and check out the first piece on the side.

    2. Yes, the words of Father Jay Rice are tremendous and encouraging. I am ready.

  2. While my previous comment seemingly had little to do with the linked article, per se, it is in a larger sense all connected to the loathsome task of trying to further understand the socialist mind. It is a stupefying task; we already know what is needed, and it is a colossal waste of time and energy.

    The author seems mystified what voters continue to elect socialists (he calls them progressives). Rampant election fraud and 'free' handouts from the government larder are the two primary explanations. A third would be the the perception cultivated in the minds of the low literacy, low skilled workers imported from shithole countries that big government is the answer. Actually, such perceptions are not limited to the illiterate; Asians, as example, continue to hold those ideologies from their mother countries. Example would be their general negative perceptions of the 2A and that is among the gun owners of Asian ethnicity. Assimilation is not only not required but disdained. That's no way to run a state or a country.

    1. The author seems mystified what voters continue to elect socialists (he calls them progressives).

      They don't like being called commies which is why I refer to the opposition as such.

    2. MARXISTS.
      Progressives are MARXISTS.
      Socialists are MARXISTS.
      Leftists are MARXISTS.
      Social justice warriors are MARXISTS.
      Feminists are MARXISTS.
      The government agents are MARXISTS.
      Communists are MARXISTS.
      Anybody calling me a National Socialist (aka 'NAZI') is MARXIST.
      Anybody 'voting' for china joe and First Son hunter biden is MARXIST.
      Anybody demanding I license my dog is MARXIST.
      And my all-time favorite -- every 'community activist' is a MARXIST.

      I welcome your rebuttal.

    3. Brock, a word about those Asians I mentioned.

      You know of the 'roof top' Koreans. Compare that to many who are Korean, Chinese, Taiwanese who are gun owners in CA. In response to not getting enough signatures for the petitions against the 'gunpocalypse' (a slate of anti-gun laws) of 2016, they said, as a mass, that they don't care. They'll just move on to a different 'sport'.

      They did not make the connection to the 2A. They said there family would be horrified to even know they had firearms. The customs and behaviors of their mother countries were well developed in them. The dictates of the state of those countries over rules the desire for liberty here.

      I am talking of those who are on Cal Guns website forum.

    4. I am talking of those who are on Cal Guns website forum.

      I am familiar with the forum but have never gotten into it. Thanks.
