Monday, January 18, 2021

Poll: 91% of GOP voters still with Trump … McConnell worried? & GOA supports calls for candidates to step forward and challenge those 10 GOP lawmakers, and will be working to defeat them

 Trump rally in Colorado

A poll taken after the Capitol Hill rioting that Democrats blame on President Donald Trump reveals that more than nine out of 10 of his supporters would still vote for him – results that could spell disaster for Republicans such as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell who have supported efforts to impeach the president.

The favorable Trump numbers relayed in a Washington Examiner report revealed the findings of pollster Frank Luntz – numbers that reportedly should have many Republicans who sided with the Democrats very concerned.

More @ ONN


  1. I hope Trump starts a new party. I for one will follow him and I'm betting about 75 million other American voters would as well. The Republicans are and have been nothing more than members of the Deep State just pretending to be the alternative to the Democrats.
