Friday, January 29, 2021

"Stop It! We are now a communist nation."

Dictators have reemerged as the greatest threat to the liberal democratic  world - The Washington Post

It’s time to stop. People who criticize Q for being a method of quelling the masses offer little difference when they speak of keeping oaths and defending the republic against all enemies foreign and domestic. 

None of it is happening.

The most logical and rational meme is that “no one is coming to save you.” Also, no one is going to save the republic. There are a lot of reasons for this, good, logical reasons. One is that the chances of a patriot surviving the first conversation with a federal agent are slim and none. Who knows who they are, they have infiltrated every situation. Suddenly, the patriot is carted off for conspiracy of something. So, there is no one to trust.

The reason for this is that the war has been raging for decades. The enemy is inside the lines. In fact, they are the lines. Those who hate America as founded and hate those who adhere to the founding are using the prison system as POW camps. No one has tried to stop these agencies from doing what they do. The truth is, they won. The declaration by the DHS that identified Trump supporters as “domestic terrorists” (up to 80 million people) proves that they won. All without our side having to exhibit heroism.

More @ 12 Round


  1. Communists aren't very good at math apparently.

    FF to 6 min mark.

  2. I am with you, although I do not believe the people are as out gunned as we are led to think. True, the military has some pretty cool toys but if a bunch of sandal wearing goat herders can own the hills in afghanistan maybe we are being fed another psyop here. They have everyone so fearful of the boogieman - dotgov or chicom or blm/antie fay, cv19 coming to get you. Yet - Behind every blade of grass, right? If we all hang together, who can stand against us?

  3. No one needs to "save the republic". A country run by a group of insiders and wealthy elites is still considered a republic. The non-republic option is called a monarchy. Using the right terms matters.


  4. I lost IQ points listening to that gibberish.

  5. This article is pure defeatism and propaganda...
    To avail and rely upon "building" a new political
    run against the established commies is pure fantasy.
    They decide who wins elections...ballot boxes are dead.
    Yes Virginia, there are Patriots, and they are coming.

  6. The author makes the point that those in power are now declaring anyone who doesn't embrace their ideology to be domestic terrorists and criminals. And based on all reports coming from the Imperial Capital that would seem to be the case. Fundamentally those in power are rapidly laying the groundwork to justify the soon to be issued edict directing ALL of us to be rounded up and pointed towards the boxcars. There is plenty of evidence to believe that is what the plan and NO evidence to believe otherwise. The rational viewpoint is that if those
    in power intend to treat all of us as criminals than there is NO REASON to not ACT THE PART. So the rational response should be to go find a communist....or a democrat....the terms are synonymous, and arrange for that person a trip to judgement day. And remember.....after the first one the rest are free.

    1. a communist....or a democrat....the terms are synonymous,

      Ain't that the truth.
