Friday, February 5, 2021

Absolute Truth Feb 5, 2021 1pm, 4pm & 7pm EST Michael Jlindell

 Via Hedge

 Image result for absolute truth onn lindell

@ Michael Jlindell 


  1. They are scrubbing this everywhere in real time as it gets put up apparently. This video seems to still work but here is an alternate if that goes down. This one just got posted by the guy who interviewed Mike a few days ago.

    1. Thanks the link here is still good but I also embedded it plus Facebook didn't turn it down for some reason but I'll probably hear from them shortly. :)

  2. The Proof Positive of Foriegn Intervention at the 1:30:00 mark is INCREDIBLE. Thousands of pages showing THOUSANDS of Attacks from each computer in every country that hacked into our elections, every city in the USA that was hacked, to which exact computer was breached and how many votes were changed on every hack... INCREDIBLE!! Where the Heck were the FBI and other Alphabet Agencies during this CYBER ATTACK ON OUR NATION?

    "Lucy, Djyou got some esplaning to do...' h/t Ricky Ricardo, I Love Lucy.

    1. Thanks and my biggest question is how in the world did they get all the judges to rule against Trump? Mind boggling.

    2. Exactly Brock. It's pure evil if you ask me.

  3. Sending this link to all Senators and my personal Congress woman! You can send messages to every single Senator, but not Congress, only your own Congress representative. I would encourage others to do this. If you click on the link below, you can find every Senator. Send them this link to show that we expect them to do something about this. As a matter of fact, tell them that we expect them to do something about this that we refuse to be a Socialistic or Communist country!

  4. Nessel,AG of Michigan, was probably fraudulently elected in 2018, along with Governor and Sec of State.
