Saturday, February 20, 2021

The Republican Civil War Trump-hating RINOs must be purged & O'Sullivan's Law

Via David


McConnell must go—as well as the Judas 7 and the ten House Republicans who voted to impeach. They have shown themselves to be not only disloyal, but vindictive and malicious. They have put their personal hatred, greed and slavish obedience to their financial, globalist masters above their party, country and oath to uphold the Constitution.They are traitors. And they no longer deserve to be Republicans.

The GOP establishment has declared war on former President Trump and his supporters.

The decision to impeach Trump by RINO Republicans reveals a deep chasm that cannot be bridged. The party is being torn apart as its globalist elites seek to wrestle control away from the rank-and-file Trump patriots.

Led by Rep. Liz Cheney, ten House Republicans voted to impeach Trump for allegedly inciting “an insurrection” on Jan. 6, when several hundred rioters stormed the Capitol building. In the sham Senate trial, seven Republicans—the Judas 7—joined 50 Democrats to convict private citizen Trump. The final vote, 57-43, resulted in his acquittal. The House impeachment managers failed to get the 67 votes, a two-thirds majority, needed for a conviction.

More @ WRKO


O’Sullivan’s Law states that any organization or enterprise that is not expressly right wing will become left wing over time. The law is named after British journalist John O’Sullivan.

Television shows are the best examples of this. 24, House. Charitable foundations are worse but harder to see.

One of the reasons for this is leftist intolerance versus right-wing tolerance. Right wingers are willing to hire openly left-wing employees in the interest of fairness. Left-wingers, utterly intolerant, will not allow a non-Liberal near them, and will harass them at every opportunity. The result over time is that conservative enterprises are infiltrated by leftists but leftist enterprises remain the same or get worse.

More @ Urban Dictionary


  1. Ridicule all leftists

  2. I'm conflicted on the take over or start from scratch. Both options need really improved "filters" to keep on the right path (pun intended). Look at the grifters we have now on the "right" media, they too need to be driven out like the money changers they are.

    1. need to be driven out like the money changers they are.

      Somehow, someway.


    Ride the wave!

    1. Thanks.
