Saturday, March 13, 2021


Hellstorm has been banned on YouTube but here is one of my three that is still working.



  1. Aaaand. Taken down.
    Still up on Bitchute though.

    All of this of course is Revisionism and Hate Speech and nobody should watch any of it. I am sure that when it is fact-checked by the usual totally objective and unbiased sites, the utter falsehood and Hate therein will be revealed. Plus, if it happened (which it didn't), then they must have had it coming. Dirty Germans. Only one group has ever truly suffered. Again and again, and never for any reason at all. It is truly a puzzling thing.

    1. UNCENSORED HISTORY: Dark Chapters Of History: Images Of War, History , WW2

      The tragic end of Anneliese and her family
      Neuwied, June 15,1946

      "Did you ever get the letter telling you of the tragic end of Anneliese and her family? No one of you mentioned it. She was in Dresden with her mother and sister when the Russians came in. He husband died in the war several years ago. She and her two dear little boys, her mother and sister committed suicide out of fear of future happenings. How she must have suffered to be induced to such."

  2. Haven't seen that one.

    This is a good one.

    1. That was an interesting watch Brock. Lot's of details in that one.

    2. Thanks and can't believe the viewer count is so low.

    3. A good while back, Brock, your viewer count stayed low consistently
      and you did not understand why as you had plenty of viewers.
      You thought the count was stuck.

    4. '144151 comments'

      I only remember the number of followers which was
      '54 followers' after a few months in operation. I don't remember how long it's been but many, many years. A friend who worked at the the Pentagon told me the site was banned there and evidently Fox also. Weird.
