Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Now Is The Best Time To Be Southern


These past several years, we Americans have been living in an accelerating anti-cultural vortex. Day by day the Yankee juggernaut gains steam. Once content with carpetbombing Hanoi and Baghdad, the Yankees are now taking their civilizational demolition derby back South, where it all began. Topple the Southern statues, spraypaint the Southern monuments, mock the Southern accents and folkways, and cancel Southern history and culture from Hoppin’ John soup to pine nuts. You may have heard once or twice over the past few years that everyone (except Yankees) is a racist.

More @ The Abbeville Institute


  1. Blaming Yankees is misguided. True Yankees are as anti-government and Conservative as our Southern kin. The true enemy is LIBERALS. It is liberals in Austin and Houston screwing up Texas. It is liberals killing Virginia. It is northern LIBERAL transplants infecting places like Florida, Georgia, and the Carolinas with their political ideology. If a classic Cranky Yankee was to become your neighbor, you would find much in common. In Kommiecticut, state and federal elections are determined by the LIBTARD cities only. The rest of the state electorate does not seem to count. In my little rural town, I am surrounded by like minded folks that anyone from down south would get along with.

    1. If a classic Cranky Yankee was to become your neighbor, you would find much in common.

      Thanks and when I was staying on Camp Pendleton, I had a friend who was in the Marine Corps and from MN. We had everything in common.

  2. Fun little read. :-)

    It's more a rural/urban divide these days, and few are as rural as Erskine Caldwell white trash rednecks. We have to embrace our white trash heritage.

    1. We have to embrace our white trash heritage.

      The backbone of the Army of Northern Virginia.
