Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Un-Christian Hell-Hounds in Georgia


The path of Sherman’s army across Georgia was strewn with “outrages and barbarities of the most repulsive nature” wrote Southern newspapers, with the Macon Telegraph claiming that “Southern women had been overpowered by the “lustful appetites of the hell-hounds.” The “cesspools of Northern infamy and corruption” had been dredged, it said, “in order to collect the infamous spawn of perdition sent out to despoil our country.” Sherman, by the acts of hiss men, had earned “the fame of the ravisher, the incendiary and the thief.” His men did not draw a color line as black “comfort women” followed his army.

More @ Circa 1865


  1. So what's pleasure in harming unarmed civilans?
    Sherman promised to end the war, to make Georgia 'Howl' - that doesn't make you great warrior, General. It makes you a beast.
