Thursday, March 18, 2021

When will U.S. corporations finally close doors in China?

 Uyghur prisoners

While those mega-corporations show no signs of closing their China-based factories, a Gallup poll released just days ago found that 45% of Americans view China as our greatest threat. That number is more than double that same poll from last year, Fox Business reported.

Americans are waking up to China’s totalitarian threat to its own people and to the world, says a veteran of conservative politics, and it’s past time for greedy corporations to be held accountable for doing business with an enemy of our country.

China’s literal enslavement of its Muslim citizens was raised last week at a March 10 hearing by the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom. The commission not only discussed the Uighurs, who are routinely rounded up and imprisoned for their ethnicity, but commissioners also pointed out that U.S.-based companies, despite evidence of abuses, continue to do business with China and benefit from forced labor.

More @ ONN


  1. The real problem is that there really are very few "U.S. Corporations" any more than have any sense of loyalty or duty to America. The corporate boards are full of wealthy globalist "one worlders" who think they'll rise to the top of an authoritarian world government that controls all natural resources and keeps all of us serfs and prols down in the muck scrabbling for a mere existence. And they figure there are too many of us lower caste as is, so to make those natural resources last longer, they intend to thin the herd.

    1. Thanks for the comment and they can start with me. :(
