Saturday, April 3, 2021

Woke 'cancel culture' companies to avoid

The companies on this list are just promoting an anti-American, anti-Caucasian, anti-Semitic, tyrannical state in which they want to be corporatist partners to abnegate our birthright Bill of Rights, the US Constitution, free market capitalism and religious tolerance. Some are hard, if not nearly impossible, to avoid. So, do your best, make your mark, and do what you can do to save our children .......and their children to come.

We're now living in a statist bully-society where there are oppressive "cancelers' and damaged 'cancelees.' We are returning to the days of 1930's fascist Nazi Germany where people were encouraged to snitch on anyone not in agreement with the views of the Party. This is analogous to what we see happening on social me and 'woke corporate" tyrants who exploit their near, or even total, monopolies. even sports leagues fall into the latter category, because the racist antics of the NBA, NFL, NHL, MLB, and NASCAR. Taken together, they have a virtual monopoly over the high-dollar professional sports.  Ditto to the social media outfits led by  progressive hucksters such as Zuckerberg, Gates, Bezos, and Dorsey, they represent the death of personal privacy, freedom of choice, free will,  and free speech.  They and the other tech billionaires will laugh all the way to Davos and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Here just below is the list of the worst of these liberty abusing offenders. They are currying favor with the DSP (Democrat Socialist Party) and doing the things the DSP wants done but lacks the authority to do because, for now, the Constitution still constrains them. That will likely not be the case in the future, but for now, the DSP's marriage to corporatists and media moguls will do. They want to curry favor because they believe we are entering into a period of single-party oligarchic rule and they need to be on board with what the DSP wants them to do. I'm certain there are some other "Cancel Companies" which are not yet on the list.      If I get an update, I will send it out again. This is an excellent piece of work someone did !

[I wish someone would make a list of recognizable businesses that still respect honor, God, personal responsibility, life, honesty, the Constitution and human rights. That list would likely be much shorter.

~~ John



Once upon a time, the Cardinal rule of business was to never even discuss politics, yet nowadays, more and more companies are brazenly chosing to alienate half of the country by attacking Donald Trump and/or Republicans, by pushing for censorship of conservative speech, and/or by pushing the Democrat's toxic culture war, including supporting the false and racist narrative of systemic racism in police and in America in general. These left-wing companies are a threat to our freedoms.

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  1. The bottom line is "profit". Ironic, We see Capitalist companies pandering to Socialist bullies to survive.

  2. If you could publish a list of recommended companies, it would be a much shorter list and be much more useful. Why did you leave Target off the list above? I remember them being proud to allow men into their women's restrooms.

    1. If you could publish a list of recommended companies, it would be a much shorter list and be much more useful. Why did you leave Target off the list above?

      I just posted this piece

  3. This list is fantastic. Two problems, though.
    First, it is so extensive that nobody but the most dedicated is going to review the entire list before buying goods or services. I would love to see somebody who has more time, talent, and charisma than I have to compile a short list, maybe just a half dozen, maybe one from each business category, of the WORST offenders, to be targeted by a national boycott. If a few of these woke corporations were bankrupted because of their embrace of left wing politics, they might think twice about sticking their noses in areas not germane to their primary business mission.
    Second, it would also be nice to have an "honor roll" of companies that treat our side with respect and fairness, to patronize.

    1. Thanks.

  4. My personal scorecard is not very good. I use 16 of the 39 companies listed. Going forward could be like playing whack-a-mole. Some might be impossible to avoid, like the operating system on my computer and cell phone. I wish everyone luck.

  5. When they choose profit over Human Lives and Rights they are Traitors we have one in the Whitehouse and Clinton and Obama before him

  6. I'm doing "kinda okay". Only use 4 of the 39 with any regularity plus one more on an occasional basis (some of WMart's house brands are just better than other places'). Unfortunately, the alternative to WMart - though local - has a corporate office which is AT LEAST as woke as any of the list. The other 4 are solely because of communication and commerce needs. AT&T is up there. Are the other national cell phone carriers demonstrably better?

    1. I go to Vietnam whenever I get the chance, and AT&T works well there, so don't want to gamble. I understand that using DuckDuckGo and not Google search is the biggest hit to them.
