Saturday, May 15, 2021

Calgary judge refuses to overturn anti-free speech restraining order

 Via Paul


  1. So, this means we don't have dibbs on corrupt judiciaries? I have to believe the media up there has printed nothing about this bs.

  2. They already made arrests under this order. The gustapo are out in force this week. Our premiere (like a govenor) kicked two of his party members out for questioning the legality of the order While the judge was in the city of calgary, the order effects the whole province of alberta.


    1. Exile1981

      Is that when you left?

    2. Not many places to leftvto flee too. I like the climate, at my agr I don't want to start over. Voting no longer seems to matter, options are pretty limited..


    3. Another part of Alberta. Calgary used to be very cobservative but between the huge influx of eastern liberals looking for work and the insane number of muslim refugees being placed in the city its more liveral than conservative now. Plus the crime is way up.


    4. Pastor Tim Stevens of Fairview Baptist Church was just arrested in front of his family.

      The mayor of Calgary - neshi; is using the police and this order to arrest christian ministers who speak out about the lockdowns. They are using rough tactics and aggresdive tac teams to take down ministers for speaking out. He's the 3rd in the last 10 days.


  3. I really don't know how Ezra Levant, and Rebel keeps it up. The pansy corrupt Trudeau pays his servile media 1 billion dollara a year to support his woke communist program. Canada is gone. New Zealand is going.

  4. The left ends up eating their own.

  5. In the mean time, in China under a ruthless dictator ....
    In the meantime, in Vietnam under an openly communist dictatorship....
    In the meantime, in Iran, our designated enemy......
    In the meantime in Russia, our designated villain.....

  6. In Bolshevik Russia they slaughtered Christians to get rid of Christianity.
    You know how - the filthy Bolshevik's burned down the churches
    and churches only, by the thousands.
    Lesson for today, if Christians continue to attend church, they'll
    burn them down and blame it on somebody else. There was a church
    in Canada the Bolshevik's put a large fence around it to prevent
    attendance. They made sure the fence was not on private land.

    1. That was in Edmonton, the other city here in Alberta. Its the capital city of our province. They have had 24hr cop patrols to prevent anyone going over the fence.

      Both of the big cities have been using lockdowns to crack down on christians. Churches are limited to 10 people max here in Alberta, which is funny as our rural church is small enough 10 people is half the capacity. Funny though they are not limitting mosques during ramadon last week.


    2. Funny though they are not limitting mosques during ramadon last week.

      Par for the course.
