Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Pat Buchanan: The Thinking Man’s Principled Conservative

 history of carlos hathcock

 Brock: Hope all is well with you. Of course, I'm emailing to send you the latest and greatest from, our salute to Patrick J. Buchanan: Pat's been a hero of mine for decades, so I was super happy to have the opportunity to share him with others. As always, we'd love it if you could share this with your audience by linking to it.Thanks-Sam (800) 604-1094 Office (800) 709-7535 Fax

His influence is evident in the political movement that elected Donald Trump as President, and his stamp is likewise seen in conservative firebrands like Ann Coulter. For decades when the conventional wisdom was that the conservative movement needed to compromise, Pat Buchanan simply said “no.”

 Pat Buchanan continues to be a conservative icon for generations in the United States, holding the line on conservative issues at a time when conventional wisdom said that it was time to give up the ship. While many on the right hate the very idea of journalism today, Pat Buchanan is a journalist through and through – he received his training in journalism and continues to work in it to this very day.

The Formative Years of Pat Buchanan

More @ Ammo

1 comment:

  1. If I don't have anything good to say, I shouldn't say anything. But in 2021 Buchanan was a major disappointment.

    He knew about Vote Scam, he read the book, he was victim of it; yet in 2021 not a beep, not a word.

    If he truly cared, if he was really concerned, he would have been loud and more than loud.
