Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Tucker Explodes At Biden Admin Over Alleged NSA Spying Scandal: They’re Lying, Refuse To Answer Questions


  1. I hope Tucker doesn't suicide himself. He's one of the few reporters with the courage to speak up about these corrupt beauracrats.

  2. How do you respond to one who stonewalls on important subjects? I would think a U.S. citizen has enormous sway on a gov entity, especially a citizen who hosts a popular TV show.

    I don't watch TV, I am not a fan of any TV personality. As far as I know, Tucker could be full of it. But, as far as I know, we are at war with our own government. Yes, I did say war.

  3. Per Tierney Real News: But Tucker says the NSA is suddenly spying on Fox News? For what? Fox & Tucker have basically been doing Biden's bidding. This sounds to me like Fox News and Paul Ryan working with the NSA on a ploy to increase Fox ratings and make people believe they are on OUR side. They are NOT. They can paint themselves as a victim and the subject of a Witch Hunt. I know many people love Tucker - but no matter what Tucker does or says, remember he hates Trump. He hates him with the heat of a thousand suns and he has for 20 years. And, remember, Tucker is the guy who repeatedly shilled for Communist Tulsi Gabbard!

    MORAL? Do NOT trust Tucker and Fox News!
    Michael Savage also said about the same thing esp. regarding
    Tucker use to work for CNN; integrity???

  4. Our ENTIRE administration are communists, period! We have been infiltrated, dumbed-down, and re education for decades. Get it? The John Birch Society was right!

  5. Wait. Spies are a bunch of liars? I'm shocked.

