Wednesday, June 9, 2021

What is the Southern tradition worth to you?


Dear Friends of the Abbeville Institute:

Most of us read websites on a daily basis, including the Abbeville Institute. Many of us also enjoy podcasts as an alternative to the vanilla mainstream "political" talk show programs on the radio. The Week in Review at the Abbeville Institute is hopefully on your list.

The website and our podcast form the core of our mission to explore what is true and valuable in the Southern tradition. We refocused our energy in April 2014 and created a new website and mission: give our readers a nearly "daily dose of Dixie." We made this decision before the 2015 Charleston shooting, the 2017 Charlottesville event, and the 2020 "Summer of Love" because we anticipated things were only going to get worse for the Southern tradition.

We were right. "Conservatives" quickly joined the chorus of those who wanted to take down Confederate symbols. While some have softened their stance, most have not. They want to draw the line at Washington and Jefferson but don't understand that those men, too, will eventually be targeted for destruction, if not already. These "conservatives" are finally starting to realize that America itself is under attack, and the Southern tradition, which has long served as a counterweight to the headlong rush toward barbarism is the low hanging fruit. Once it has been fully destroyed, the cultural Marxists will take aim at anything left of traditional American society.

We also believe that the Southern tradition still has value in modern American society, and our articles on Southern culture, literature, politics, history, music, art, and so much more are intended to provide an alternative to the destructive tendencies of the modern Left. They seek to destroy. We seek to understand.

None of this is free. We don't have the assets of our better funded opponents on both the left and the right. Large "conservative" think tanks like Heritage Foundation and leftist organizations like the SPLC dwarf our resources. But we do have something neither has: good dedicated people willing to stand up for what they believe, even when it isn't popular.

If you enjoy our website, podcast, conferences, videos, books and other projects, please consider a tax deductible donation to the Abbeville Institute. If everyone on this email list donated $5 a month, we would have the financial firepower to fight back in ways that would make our opponents tremble. It would be our rebel yell. We'll gladly accept more if you are inclined and able to give, but our mission can only be sustained by your generous contributions.

Our common cause is for the future, not just of the South, but of America.

Join us in our mission. Just click the button below to donate.


- All of us at Abbeville Institute

Donate HERE 

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