Tuesday, July 20, 2021

ROBERT KNIGHT Fake conservatives help target Tucker

                        Tucker Carlson (Fox News)

So, salute Critical Race Theory, the Biden/Harris Democrat Party's open borders, socialism, mandatory vaccinations, the LGBTQ activists' remaking of schools and the military, and climate change hysteria or you're a racist and probably a child molester.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson must be doing something right – as in telling the truth – to earn the ire of the Washington Post and erstwhile conservatives like George Will and Bill Kristol.

You know you've hit it big in Washington if you wind up either on the front page of the Washington Post or on the front page of its Style section.

For conservatives, there's a big difference, however. If it's the front page, the article will be a hit piece, likening you at best to a Scrooge and at worst to Hannibal Lecter. In Style, it's likely to be a puff piece.

                                                                   More @ ONN


  1. Yawn. So much more of the same old stuff. Meanwhile the girls are happy and plentiful. 2 months to fruit. Standing 6 foot tall and bushy. Love me a nice bush.
