Tuesday, August 17, 2021

It's so bad even CNN's Tapper can't ignore it


It was a surprise to media pundits on Monday when the mainstream media tore into President Joe Biden over his handling of the Afghanistan exit and his speech to the nation in the afternoon.

It's unusual for the public to hear CNN take a Democrat to task. But the cable outlet that wore itself out hammering former President Donald Trump over his entire four-year term, on Monday ripped the current president, Joe Biden, over his bungling of the American military withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Among the reactions at CNN:

More @ AFN


  1. Manufactured consensus. Same as with Cuomo
    Drive him out for being an emotionally insecure horn did and sweep the 15,000 nursing home deaths under the rug. Humiliate Biden for actions taken as a result of the inner cadres bad advice and sweep the border disaster, the mass importation of disease and terrorists from Mexico and elsewhere under the rug.

  2. The Liberal Fake News arm of the Democrat/Socialist party going after Biden about this Afgan debacle might wind up having a hidden agenda. They never let a good crisis go to waste.

    1. If they didn't have an agenda before this, they have one now, that's for sure.
