Sunday, August 1, 2021

Nobel laureate virologist suggests that vaccines are creating variants

Via sw44magnumman Brown


  1. This sort of goes along with that.

  2. Another "Well DUH!" reality. Both bacteria and viruses mutate...and they mutate even quicker when challenged. Antibiotics result in the resistant bacteria surviving and multiplying while the rest die which gives you mutated resistant bacteria. The same phenomenon occurs with a virus. The variants that survive the bodies immune system are resistant....and a vaccination designed for the orginal virus won't work as well against the surviving mutated virus. This is fundamental immunology. Modern medicine REALLY should not be seeking vaccines for the viruses that do not cause significant amounts of death or disabilities. For smallpox, polio etc. yes...these kill and maim large numbers. For others like the common cold and the flu...NO. These only kill those who are immunocompromised and already vulnerable...normal healthy people don't need and should not be give vaccines for such mundane everyday illnesses. We are tinkering and messing with the immune response that biology has taken EONS to develop. It's sheer hubris to think that we can do better than what nature took millions of years to develop.

    1. We are tinkering and messing with the immune response that biology has taken EONS to develop. It's sheer hubris to think that we can do better than what nature took millions of years to develop.

      Thanks for the info and agreed.
