Wednesday, August 25, 2021

The Brief: Joe Biden is a Profile in Cowardice and Incompetence: Only an incompetent president would remove our military from a war zone before first evacuating trapped Americans

Via Reg



This is Joe Biden’s America, fashioned in his own demented image. The Afghanistan debacle is just the latest iteration. Brace yourself and pop a Valium. You have another 3 years and 5 months to endure the insanity. At this rate, there won’t be much left of the America we once knew.

Only an incompetent president would remove our military from a war zone before first evacuating trapped Americans. Only a coward would blame everyone else for his own stupidity, then run and hide.

Joe Biden is guilty of both incompetence and cowardice. As such, he is unfit to serve as President. By abandoning thousands of Americans to the potential onslaught of the Taliban, he committed a gross dereliction of duty as commander in chief. Instead of protecting our citizens, he is endangering them.

In his short tenure, Biden has presided over a witless menagerie of policy failures. But Afghanistan is his most spectacular blunder. Biden’s conceit is now America’s humiliation. Our enemies are the winners.

More @ The Brief


  1. Pedo Jo is watching cartoons and eating ice cream.

    Obozo (and Jarrett) are runnin' the show...

    ...and he loves America's d*ck in the dirt. joe tentpeg

    1. ...and he loves America's d*ck in the dirt.

      Just another closet commie.

  2. I would amend this to:
    * "...before evacuating trapped Americans, Northern Europeans, south Asians, Filipinos, and all other non-pastun contractors..."
    I saw a meme:
    * "biden wants America to be a gun free zone.
    biden wants Afghanistan to be a free guns zone"
