Friday, August 20, 2021

Whistleblower Reveals Bank Of America's Shocking Stance: "Racial Equity 21-Day Challenge" Also, Lowe's & Truist (BB&T)

Via Hal

I'm going to Lowe's and BB&T tomorrow to ask about this, as I can spend/keep my money elsewhere and I encourage others to do likewise.

"On day one, Bank of America teaches employees that the United States is a "racialized society" that "use[s] race to establish and justify systems of power, privilege, disenfranchisement, and oppression, which "give[s] privileges to white people."

Liberals are tearing our country apart. They are selling a very anti-American message in their attempt to further divide our country. Sadly big companies are jumping on these "woke" bandwagons and encouraging the madness. Investigative Reporter Christopher F. Rufo received documents from a whistleblower that show Bank of America's true colors, and it looks like it is time they change their name.

Rufo posted about it on Twitter.

More @ Freedom Updates


  1. I have one (soon to be two) mortgage at BoA. I will consider it my part in screwing them over, by paying my mortgages off earlier, thereby depriving them of much of their interest.

  2. The emotional, child-like Left hates America because it was created and run by conservative White males and only by them, not by anyone else [1]. That’s a huge sin to the Left, and the leftists cannot forgive White males for that “crime.” How dare they nearly achieve perfection all by themselves, without including Blacks, Browns, queers, women, midgets and vegetarians! How dare they! That wasn’t inclusive! That wasn’t democratic!

    1. How dare they nearly achieve perfection all by themselves, without including Blacks, Browns, queers, women, midgets and vegetarians! How dare they! That wasn’t inclusive! That wasn’t democratic!


  3. Soooo, how's that diEversity workin out for us?

    One can only ponder how much longer decent people will bang their heads against the wall chanting 'but I'm not a racist' while they and their children are disinherited.

    One may not like that fact fire is hot, water is wet, or that God created the different peoples and, yes, He separated them, but ignoring those things has a price.

    Y'all have a nice day.

    1. One can only ponder how much longer decent people will bang their heads against the wall chanting 'but I'm not a racist' while they and their children are disinherited.

      As long as their brains remain dead.....

  4. (This may be a repeat, I wrote something like parts of this on a forum someplace.)
    I read about the last months of Robin Williams.
    He suffered terribly from a brain disease called 'Lewy dementia', heavy deposits of proteins in brain tissues.
    Can you imagine the despair of a life-long actor with the ability to memorize entire scripts -- including all the lines of other characters -- reduced to forgetting the beginning of a sentence by the middle of that sentence.
    I honestly truly believe BOLCHEVICS suffer from some kind of brain disease.
    Separated from the reality we recognize as generally real, their brain simply cannot understand consequences of their actions.
    This would not be a 'mental illness' treatable by medications or therapy.
    This is the failure of an organ, similar to the failure of a pancreas to produce adequate insulin.
    I honestly truly believe the BOLCHEVICS genetic lineage must be eradicated for the good of humanity.
    If we allow such a radical variant to pollute our genetic pool, the result will be the difference between Mozart and chimpanzees.
    Humans will cease to exist, our replacement an unrecognizable alien lifeform, far divergent from our quarter-million year heritage.
    I have no investment in the battle.
    In a few decades, my time will be up, I will step into the unknown beyond, swimming among the stars.
    But I think it will be a shame to lose the irreplaceable works of Frank Lloyd Wright, Buck Fuller, Brahms, Mark Twain.
    Or even Fred Reed.

    1. But I think it will be a shame to lose the irreplaceable works of Frank Lloyd Wright, Buck Fuller, Brahms, Mark Twain.
      Or even Fred Reed.

      Well said.
