Thursday, August 12, 2021

Who is Attacking Asian-Americans?

 Via John

"There is a lot of Fake News out there about who is attacking 

Asian-Americans.  The Fake News blames white supremacists,

but that's a just another racist lie they peddle.. 


I just prepared a report on who is attacking Asian-Americans
[Note: I removed those cases where the race of the perp remains unknown.]
As you can see, there are nearly 10 black-on-Asian assaults for every white-on-Asian attack.
In fact, when you include the three "Mixed" (race) cases,  you will see that three out every four cases  comes from black assailants -- all the more shocking when you consider blacks are barely more than 10% of the US population.
Attack descriptions are included in the attachment.


  1. It's those well tanned White supremacist, just saying.

  2. Gateway Pundit puts up any available video whenever an Asian is assaulted and everyone I have seen, the perpetrators were the 13%.
