Saturday, September 18, 2021

How the Left Wins Elections by Transforming Nations




Elections are won by demographics. No soup company blindly dumps cans of its newest "Turkey Coconut Bouillon with Nutmeg and Omega 3" in Aisle 6 of the supermarket without testing to see what demographics such a hideous concoction might appeal to. Will the product appeal to lesbian single mothers, divorced Asian firefighters or eccentric Latvian millionaires? Politics is no different.

A political party has its base, definable groups who groove to its message, who eat up the red meat that its candidates toss their way. It has the demographic groups which will always vote for it and those who might swing its way. It knows them by race, gender, age, class, sexuality, home ownership and a thousand other statistical slices of the pie. It has those numbers broken down by states, cities and neighborhoods so that it has a good estimate of its chances in a given place and time based on the demographics of the people who live there.

More @ Sultan Knish


  1. Demographics USED to matter. Now, thanks to the Dominion voting machines and the insanity of 'mail in voting' demographics are irrelevant.

  2. Thanks for the HT! :)

    Did you see my last one at GG?

    1. Thanks.
