Monday, October 11, 2021

Marine Exposes Possible Punishment For Refusing To Follow Biden’s Mandate

 Via Billy

 Very strange what happens near the end of the video.

In a video guaranteed to make your stomach turn., an anonymous young man claiming to be Marine outlines the potential consequences for servicemen and women who fail to comply with Joe Biden’s dictatorial and anti-science vaccine mandate for the military.

The Marine reads through the most recent information about the COVID vaccine mandate that is publicly available on the Marines’ website, which can be found here.

Mote @ The Gateway Pundit


  1. I knownothing about the new "pill" except its reported price. The early versions of the mRNA "vaccine" as I recall triggered delayed auto-immune disease. The newer versions are suppossed to do better, but there is no long term studies of that. The mRNA "vaccines" were a "war time" response to what appearede to be a drop dead dangerous virus. By time that bug got out of China, it had undergone a bunch of mutations that seemed to make it less lethal. The most likely victims of COVID are the same population that is vulnerable to any viral disease that might trigger pneumonia, (the old, those with untreated comorbidities like diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, etc. The data web-site "" notes that 95+% of the 300 deaths in Chicago (2019 or 2020?) had one or more untreated medical comorbidities. The medical data has been pretty much hidden but with or without the "vaccine", those who end up in the hospital, or dead. have medical comorbidities. Otherwise, the Corona "China Cof" is mostly a survivable inconvenience.

    Talk to your physician.

    The curious thing is that the "vaccines", with no long term testing, have been pushed on the working, effective and military populations while the Illegals and ghetto parasites have been ignored. Members of the government (Congress, courts, "select" agencies) and employees of the vaccine makers have been exempt. That is an odd selection of victims and exempts. Crippling the effective population with debilitating auto-immune diseases would be a fine way to make room for the useless defectives, who couldn't accomplish anything on their own.

    The young and healthy are at minimum risk from the China Cof. The old and retired are already out of the game. Children, in normal health, rarely have problems with the China Cof. There is no reason to "vaccinate" them.

    Treat your problems. Talk to your physician. Watch for "patterns". Don't be a test subject for no reason. This could all be government stupidity, but something ain't right.

  2. So big Bro Utube killed the video as soon as Marine gives his opinion. Semper Fi Marine, we are with you. Anyone know of a group that will be helping any serviceman who is convicted of this F**K Joe Biden unlawful order?
