Tuesday, October 19, 2021

The Collapsing American Military & Polls Show Mounting Support for State Secessions

Via Billy  

After America Collapses, What Comes Next? 2013 


The US military is in a state of rapid decline. The huge budget goes largely into “cost overruns” or profits for the armaments industry and results in costly but second class weapon systems. The main problem, however, is the morale of US troops.

The white male troops, the backbone of the Army, Air Force, and Navy are forced to take “racial sensitivity training,” that is, they are indoctrinated that they are racists and misogynists and have to reconsider their alleged attitudes toward “preferred minorities” and females. This makes it difficult for white officers to discipline black and female troops. Blacks can claim “racism,” and women can allege “sexual harassment.”

Simultaneously, promotions for white men are on hold for the purpose of achieving “balance” by promoting blacks and women. In other words, promotions are not on the basis of merit but on the basis of race and gender. White male troops are unlikely to respect officers promoted for these reasons.

Dan Goure and David T. Pyne have raised valid questions about how well the US would fare in a military conflict with Russia and China. Not well they conclude. See this, and this.

Possibly the articles by Dan Goure and David T. Pyne are sincere concerns of military analysts worried about Washinton’s unrealistic hubris. Also possibly Goure and Pyne are consultants to defense firms and are lobbying for an even larger military budget. Nevertheless, both are correct that Washington is no match for Russia and China and is spread too thin in its ambitions to be a match for anyone. Nevertheless, the real military problem for the US is completely different from what they think.

More @ Paul Craig Roberts

Polls Show Mounting Support for State Secessions


  1. the author that video doesn't know what he's talking about.

    1. :) You must not know anything about Paul Craig Roberts then. https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/pages/about-paul-craig-roberts/

  2. At about 2:30 When he said ". . .the very first version where blacks were only considered 3/5 of a person" his credibility disappeared in a puff of smoke.
    I don't listen to any analysis from someone that ignorant.

    1. Best of luck when the shit hits the fan Stevie.

    2. They were considered so by the north, although the South wanted full representation, the north won on this voting issue.

  3. At least he knows the S will Hit the Fan. We already have outside interest aiding in the over throw the constitution. Whether it will be UN, China, Russia soldiers or Soros raiders roaming the country, we will have to fight them and our brothers. He says we should live in separated community with some being socialists, some be conservative and some what ever. What he doesn't remember from history is that humans always want what the Jones have. When the USA falls the world will fall because the USA has been the policeman of the world for 75 years. The Biden commies think all will lay rather than die. They burned the history books rather than read them. Good luck everyone and Prepare.
