Saturday, January 1, 2022

Do You Trust Your Doctor Anymore? & Pfizer Vaccine EXPOSED! Less than 1% effective, Did More Harm Than Good

 Via sw44magnumman Brown  Good article. Good comments on right side of page.

Bust of Hippocrates (1930) by Oswald Wenckebach near the Leiden University Medical Center in Leiden, Netherlands. (Gouwenaar/CC0 1.0)

 Pfizer Vaccine EXPOSED! Less than 1% effective, Did More Harm Than Good 

Do You Trust Your Doctor Anymore?

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15 seconds


  1. Well Son of a Gun! Imagine That! Who could have guessed that they would have Lied to the World, or that the Enemedia and All of the U.S. Government Elected ELITES, The FDA, THE NIAH, OSHA, BIG PHARMA, The Nation's Hospitals, Doctors, and Nurses, all were compensated HUGELY, and helped carry their water. There will be Trials alright... Nuremburg 2.0 is Justified, IMHAO.

    Ahh, But Who appoints the Judges for such a Trial? And what sort of Men, or Women, might they be. Who controls them? It's a different world today, than in 1947. Thanks Brock!!


    1. Thanks

  2. 1% Effective = Not Effective at all. It's not a vaccine. It doesn't have any "Covid" in it. It's made by companies who are not trying to cure anything. Pfizer, have been contracted to destroy us not help us. So, in that regard, they have been 100% effective in ruining normal life. I will never cooperate with any of it.

  3. WOWSERS Brock, Thank You for all that you do, Sir! I sent an email out to all my friends, and some of my family, with all 4 of your postings on Covid today. This one, and the three above it. Cheers!! I think that 2022 is going to be a Stellar Year to be Remembered, and Studied, for Generations to come. One Way, or the Other...

  4. Do I trust my doctors?
    No and hell no.
    My general practioner Doc, and the hospital I go to the Doc and his Nurse Practioner, all have the same four boiler plate questions they ask at the beginning of a visit concerning my jab status.
    The NP getting pissy and uppity makes for interesting visits and exams.
    They are more concerned with getting me jabbed. The reason for my visit seems secondary to getting the magic Fauci juice.
