My GGG Grandfather built Dixieland, a Georgian style in 1790 and a Federal style in 1810. We lost it after the War in 1866 and I was fortunate to be able to return it to the family in 1992. Today it was lost again.
The worst decision I've ever made, bar none
I was listening to a Confederate podcast and the speaker
said he had a generational home in the Shenandoah Valley,
near the river, that if he lost that home it would be like
losing a family member. So your pain and suffering is
realistic. Dixieland is you and you are Dixieland.
We don't live in the past, the past lives in us. Basically,
you are haunted and hopefully the suffering will degrade
in time. Who would have ever thought.
“To every man upon this earth
Death cometh soon or late ;
And how can men die better
Than facing fearful odds
For the ashes of his fathers
And the temples of his gods.”
Hi, Brock. Just wanted to check-in on how you are doing.
Are you still monitoring the depressing news? There is lots
I would like to ask but will settle with you are Okay.
Your website is sadly missed as being one of the best on the web.
Take care and keep the faith as you will not be undone.
Brock, I never comment but I must say this. It is not merely good to forgive yourself, it is an absolute obligation. You didn't abandon Dixieland, rather the Lord G-d simply transferred it from your loving care into the care of another. It wasn't your failure, rather it was His Will. Therefore, you MUST forgive yourself, not only for your sake, but for His sake. Bless you my dear Brother.
May peace be upon you friend and brother. My best to you and your family and my deepest sympathies, but in this war that we call life, we cannot win every battle.Hold your head high for the fight that you have fought. Truly my best regards, Jay
Brock, It's Good to see that you are still commenting at least. I too
am on a Long March back to Normalcy, of a New Sort. Long Pneumonia,
good days and bad days blend in my memory. I pray for your speedy
recovery, Sir. You are an Iconic Figure, and a Voice heard around the
World. Keep the Faith and Stay Strong My Friend.
~~G.W. Long
Our dear Townsend, God bless you, good sir. You have been a blessing to many, even myself.
One less tear today
Mr Townsend, I just want to assure you that we love this house and we will take good care of it. We’re so grateful that you took such good care of the home so that our family can enjoy it, especially our 2 year old. I hope you enjoy your new home.

Innumerable Posts Above
Bitter Sweet
Hot Link
Tears, Idle Tears by Alfred Lord Tennyson
Crossing the Bar
I am so sorry to learn of you having another operation, this one for on your intestines. I certainly pray for a full recovery and return to the health you had prior to going to Mexico. I saw on your site that you recently sold Dixieland. I know that must have been tough for you to depart the family treasure. Hopefully, the new owners will take care of the home and preserve it, the way you did. I have fond memories of several Sundays at Dixieland for our reunions and luncheons. Thank you for opening up your home for those occasions.
Take care, Colby
DeleteSO sorry to hear that. Many families are losing the land their families settled. I hope it will be preserved and protected from encroachments.
ReplyDeleteThanks and it's protected by PNC (Preservation North Carolina)
DeleteThat's sad. I was born in the Illinois Corn Belt and today we've lost entire villages to Corporate farms. There are towns back there today where the cemeteries have larger populations than the neighboring communities. There's nothing left but corn, meth, and graveyards.
ReplyDeleteThank you and not a day goes by without tears
DeleteThat's a punch to gut, sorry to hear this. Very nice previous post. Most people will never experience a life so we'll pictured. Chris in Nanuet NY
ReplyDeleteWell said, Sir and I wish you a fond adieu.
Deletemy heart aches for you my friend. i can't imagine the loss. Lord be with you.
ReplyDeleteand with thy spirit. Let us pray
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear this, Brock. Great memories. Is your homestead
ReplyDeleteloss d/t your declining health? What a heart retching shame.
DeleteUnfortunately yes, but I took my pen to paper nevertheless. Thank you for your kind association as It's all downhill now. "There are somethings worst than death."
Mr Townsend, I just want to assure you that we love this house and we will take good care of it. We’re so grateful that you took such good care of the home so that our family can enjoy it, especially our 2 year old. I hope you enjoy your new home.
ReplyDeleteYou are also welcome you to visit anytime.
DeleteI have much to tell concerning Dixieland that I can tell you one day. Thank you.
DeleteThis is Brock's daughter. I am the one who moved his house and I told him from what I have seen, the sheds and the machinery that I thought you would definitely take care of the house well! Thank you for offering to let him visit anytime. Please send me pictures of what you do. I am glad you have a little one to enjoy all that property.
DeleteThank you.
DeleteThank you for the kind words though I certainly will not enjoy my new home but maybe the next owners will be Pippen related.:)
ReplyDeleteHi again, Mr Townsend. Would you mind giving me a call? 816-682-3003
ReplyDeleteThanks I and left a message,
DeletePlease send me an email. Thanks
DeleteHi, Brock. Just wanted to check-in on how you are doing.
ReplyDeleteAre you still monitoring the depressing news? There is lots
I would like to ask but will settle with you are Okay.
Your website is sadly missed as being one of the best on the web.
Take care and keep the faith as you will not be undone.
Thank you and physically much improved over the last few days but you can never forget and I have no intention of trying to do so. Just a shame .
Thank you for your kind words.
“To every man upon this earth
DeleteDeath cometh soon or late ;
And how can men die better
Than facing fearful odds
For the ashes of his fathers
And the temples of his gods.”
Simply beautiful poetry and so true. As you get stronger
Deletethink of an alternative venture. Don't give up.
Brock, is that elderly man who helped you replace the
rotted wood on your home still around? Saw a pic of
him a few times and seemed to be a good friend.
Wishing you a pleasant Labor Day and hope your
daughter comes to visit.
Thank you for the encouragement and it's not the two health calamities this year, it's the abandonment of Dixieland of which I can't forgive myself
ReplyDeleteand shall not until I die.
Brock, I never comment but I must say this. It is not merely good to forgive yourself, it is an absolute obligation. You didn't abandon Dixieland, rather the Lord G-d simply transferred it from your loving care into the care of another. It wasn't your failure, rather it was His Will. Therefore, you MUST forgive yourself, not only for your sake, but for His sake. Bless you my dear Brother.
DeleteThank you for your kindness.
DeleteForgot you mentioned Gatha and I tried again to contact him. You are a good friend and I am honored.
ReplyDeleteI was listening to a Confederate podcast and the speaker
Deletesaid he had a generational home in the Shenandoah Valley,
near the river, that if he lost that home it would be like
losing a family member. So your pain and suffering is
realistic. Dixieland is you and you are Dixieland.
We don't live in the past, the past lives in us. Basically,
you are haunted and hopefully the suffering will degrade
in time. Who would have ever thought.
Thank you and I will add your excellent post above. You have a way with words.
DeleteYou've sure had a rough year. That you managed to get out of the hospital with all the challenges you were up against was something. Sure sorry about the family place.
ReplyDeleteThank you Sir
DeleteHi, Brock - Hope this email finds you much improved. Do you think
ReplyDeletethe US blew-up the Nordstream pipeline? I do.
I read an article on Identity Dixie which was about old cemeteries
i.e. Confederate and thought of your cemetery on Dixieland.
Thought you might enjoy it, too.
Just reminiscing.
Thank you and all's well that ends well. Just today we unloaded my coffin destined for the back porch here where it was at Dixieland since last year. My gravestone has been at Dixieland since 2002. I'm now playing the Lotto in hopes and wining big so I can buy Dixieland back!
DeleteMay peace be upon you friend and brother. My best to you and your family and my deepest sympathies, but in this war that we call life, we cannot win every battle.Hold your head high for the fight that you have fought. Truly my best regards, Jay
ReplyDeleteThank you for the kind words and description.
DeleteJust a quick check in on you. Hope your are doing better day by day.
ReplyDeleteYes Sir and thank you. I miss your posts.
DeleteSeeing as you asked...
DeleteWhen there is a hostile group of people within a society who have openly declared that another group within that same society is their enemy and that their unilateral declaration gives them the authority to kill you and destroy your way of life and there is no agency of the government created by that society as a whole that they have not corrupted to their purposes that is willing to intervene, what choice do you have but to defend yourself?
There are four important and immutable lessons of history that these leftist would have the world ignore.
1. Public opinion on issues is a pendulum and must be allowed to freely swing back and forth in it's natural arc. It's only restraints being common recognition of equal rights to personal self-direction and reasonable laws created in the course of open and public debate.
But when one side has seized that pendulum in defiance of those restraints and pulls it too far in it's desired direction and ignores it's natural desire to return to center then those natural forces pulling it back can and will only grow stronger and weightier.
2. This is evidenced by the fact that history has proven that you can't kill an idea and even trying to do so only strengthens it and adds yet more weight and counterforce to the aforementioned pendulum.
3. People have an innate desire to be free. To be left alone to raise their families among other family and like minded people, free of government telling them what to do, how to do it, when to do it and extorting taxes from them that are used to create instruments of state that are used to force them to comply against their will.
If these leftists hate the MAGA movement they had best look in the mirror. For it is a movement born out of their hubris in violating of these immutable historical precedents.
This of course brings us to rule number 4. Such hubris and arrogance in destroying and suppressing the rights of others who simply want to be left alone can and will explode into resistance and then violence that will go far beyond any of their imaginations of control.
Imperialists and socialists of every stripe have tried over and over across the centuries and each successive attempt becomes shorter and shorter as the will and the technology to subvert them grown larger and more accessible. But then that's another lesson of history isn't it?
Yeah, yeah, yeah Putin is a remorseless murdering thug. Not the first in Russian history and probably not the last either.
DeleteBut... Where do the western powers get the arrogance to think that they can reimpose on Russia the borders and conditions of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk wherein Ukraine was to be nominally free but in reality an occupied German protectorate.
Russia is not the one prostrate under the conditions of still unsettled revolutionary chaos as it was in early 1918. In fact it is the west not Russia that is on the verge of a self imposed chaos and social unrest. Conditions that will only get worse as the fall temperatures fall into the cold of winter. Somehow I don't think global warming will save them.
At this point ignorance of their own history is the west's failure and weakness. Now come the repercussions. Got any extra f
firewood? If you do you might become rich.
If a single word of Blinkin's press conference declaring that the bombing of the Nordstrom pipeline as an opportunity was true he would have proposed at the same time:
Delete1. Diplomatic initiative to move forward on the long proposed natural gas line from the southern Persian Gulf, thru Iraq and Syria to under water to Greece and Italy.
2. Diplomatic initiatives to stabilize Libya to stop the flow of refugees and increase the flow of natural gas and oil thru existing pipelines.
3. Temporary suspension of restriction on non US flagged vessels transporting LNG and refined oil products from US port to US port.
4. Government subsidies for the design and construction of new LNG tankers in US shipyards. To help feed both the US, European and global markets.
None of that will happen however because Davos doesn't want it to happen. Why? Because they want to kill off 90% of global populations. Covid was the first attempt, a test run for control systems. Next one is going to be another manufactured disease combined with massive food and energy shortages.
Tactically blowing up Nordstream was just about taking a major card out of Putin's hand. Strategically it was about Davos signaling that no more pipelines will be built at all.
But these elitist rich fools can't conceive that the chaos they have set in motion can quickly slip out of control and into the madness and blood on a pattern of 1789 in Paris. could have been done by some existing oil and ng producer or producers seeking to maximise their own sales price globally and in Western Europe especially.
Beyond that I have yet to see any announcements as to what ships were in the area, who they belonged to and what if any moon pool deep dive or ROV capabilities they have. Neither has there been any public announcement who has been awarded an inspection contract by either Russia, Germany or any of the consortium members who own the pipeline.
The Ukrainian attack on the Russian bridge connecting to the Crimean peninsula should pretty much lay to rest any further bullshit about the Russians being the ones who blew up the Nordstream pipelines.
DeleteThe attack on the bridge may be a logistical set back for the Russians but it hardly qualifies as the total disaster it's being portrayed as. The Russians still control the entire north shore of the Sea of Azov that constitutes the land bridge to the Crimean peninsula. That's why the fighting for Mariupol was so intense and protracted.
With Putin having already announced a partial mobilization and satellite imagery showing strategic bomber forces being moved to more forward bases, unless sainer heads prevail this war is far from over.
The bombing of the pipelines and now the bridge is also likely to stir Russian patriotism and add to the lines at the recruiting stations.
The last time the Russians surrendered was in 1918 and that only came about because Russia was prostrate from the chaos of revolution and those losses were quickly reversed after the German capitulation in the west. Throughout WWII there were advances and reversals '43, '44 and early '45. I'd say there is about a zero chance of them giving up anytime soon.
OPEC and the oil price scam.
DeleteAll behind closed doors all of this is agreed to before any moves in the game are played.
OPEC+ gets to make a big (and meaningless) PR play by cutting production to jack the price back closer to 100 deflated US dollars a barrel.
Biden then gets to make a big (and meaningless) PR play by yammering about "reconsidering relations" with Saudi Arabia and threatening to move anti-aircraft systems from Saudi Arabia to Ukraine.
The Saudis then get to play the PR card by publicly snubbing Biden and gets to bank "Street cred" standing up to the bullying Americans.
Then while the world looks at the public plays with the left hand the Saudis right hand gives Biden $400 million for his pet "Let's drive the world into depression and war" project.
In the end OPEC+ gets the price of oil back up, Biden get his payoff for the war, and whatever graft Biden Inc. can pull off the top.
And the payoff for Americans? We get to finance the scam through inflation and fraud with the added bonus of getting to watch our cities turn into kill zones, homeless camps and ash heaps.
Greetings, Brock. Hope all is well and getting better. What'cha
ReplyDeletedoing with your time now? Would love to see your site up and
running as you are the best.
I bet the liberal progressives are, hopefully, going to bite the dust
over this one. I-85 no less. HA
Get Er' Done!
Thank you, Sir for the kind remarks and hadn't heard about this before. I'm getting there slowly but surely, I pray and hope you and your family. are well also.
ReplyDeleteI'm doing okay, I think. Not as happy as I use to be.
DeleteDo you have any suspects on where you might have
contracted the bacterial meningitis? Were others
involved with contracting the bacteria? You seemed
to have bounced back - i.e. going to your doctors appt.,
attending a festival and then you seemed to have
crashed. Pics of you after your release from Camp
Pendelton you looked good. Really strange.
If my questions are inappropriate, pls let me know.
I really feel for you.
I'm doing okay, I think. Not as happy as I use to be.
ReplyDeleteDo you have any suspects on where you might have
contracted the bacterial meningitis?
That was in Mexico (GDL). There are only 20,000 cases a year so few and far between. No one knows more
Pics of you after your release from Camp
Pendelton you looked good
I was only in the San Diego Naval Hospital and a Mexican one before that. Then the Morehead City one for the intestines circus.
Thank you, Great One.
DeleteThank you!
DeleteBrock, has the intestine circus been rectified? Are you
Deleteable to ambulate?
Look away, look away, look away.
Do you hear from Susan?
Best to you, Brock, and your sustainability to over-come.
To think, I was considering going to Mexico while you
were there. Sorry, but I am glad I didn't.
Brock, has the intestine circus been rectified? Are you
Deleteable to ambulate?
Yes, Sir.
Look away, look away, look away.
Do you hear from Susan?
Which one?
Best to you, Brock, and your sustainability to over-come.
To think, I was considering going to Mexico while you
were there. Sorry, but I am glad I didn't.
Thank you, but we wouldn't have had much fun!
Regarding 'Susan' - I only knew of one Susan. I think she
Deletelived near you and helped you with things on your property
like when your dog was digging under the barn, she came
over to help. And there was a pic of her at her home with
your dog lying next to a table.
That's the only Susan I recall.
Unfortunately, believe it or not, after working for many years, it was determined that she was the culprit of my missing guns. You just never know.
DeleteNo, that is greatly disappointing to find out some one you
Deletetrusted turns out to be a crook. It is actually sickening she
got away with it. So I guess you haven't heard from her.
The detective has been to her house twice and told me was already a felon. I doubt we'll ever seen hide or hair of her.
DeleteSee not seen!
DeleteDid she have free reign of your home, like when you were
Deletenot home. A house key of her own.
She took advantage of your trust not that it meant anything
to this type. So, she is gone? If gone, how long after she
was under suspicion? How long before you noticed the
guns missing? Unbelievable and another heartbreak.
Did she take your dog?
All yeses but my dog was spared. :(
DeleteThe "smile" would not come up. It said bad request.
Brock, hope your Halloween is a spooky one and you are
Deleteable to toss out some curses to specific evil.
That a plan.
DeleteHey Brock, It's Good to see that you are still commenting at least. I too am on a Long March back to Normalcy, of a New Sort. Long Pneumonia, good days and bad days blend in my memory. I pray for your speedy recovery, Sir. You are an Iconic Figure, and a Voice heard around the World. Keep the Faith and Stay Strong My Friend.
ReplyDeleteG.W. Long
Thank you very much and I hope you are improving daily!
DeleteYes Indeed! Strongerr every Day. Some days are better tthan others. Slow Recovery. Thank You for all that you do Brock.
Delete& thank you Kind Sir. We shall persevere
DeleteOur dear Townsend, God bless you, good sir. You have been a blessing to many, even myself.
Delete[I forgot I now am anonymous because I cannot sign in here and a bunch of other blogs.]
Same here but we shall preserve!
DeleteThank you and you are too kind.
ReplyDeleteWe miss you my Internet Friend. We hope all is well in your for you and yours.
ReplyDeleteHappy Veteran's Day, Brock. Hope you are doing better,
ReplyDeleteboth spiritually and physically.
DeleteThank you and I appreciate your thoughts. Hope you are well also.
A Blessed Thanksgiving to you and yours, Brock.
Brock, hope you and yours are having a wonderful
ReplyDeleteThanksgiving together. You deserve it. Peace.
Thank you and not a day goes by without me thinking, I really don't care any more.
DeleteI think it's time we all put up the ole Christmas tree and focus on what we do have and thank God for that. I find the grifters of the world always busy lining their pockets and doing their best to destroy our history. Fortunately, they will not get to destroy our memories of history and our ability to pass them on. I think we are a bit like the ancient monks that recorded and saved what was and then re-entered that history back into civilization after the crazies left the scene. It seems they even wish to converge Christianity. But I will hang with Franklin Graham and Archbishop Vigano, they still represent reality in this world of the fallen. Take care my friend...indyjonesouthere
DeleteThank you once again Sir and I wish you the best
DeleteHi, Brock. Just thought I would pop in and check on your continued
ReplyDeleterecovery. Has the small intestinal issue stabilized? I guess you
will be in North Carolina. for Christmas which will probably be the
first for a while. Getting ready for the great surge of invaders.
I hope the landmines get placed in time.
Unbelievable. I know you don't like the cold; will, it is cold.
The end of this week, it is suppose to get down to 7 degrees
here in Western North Carolina.
Have you reached the acceptance stage as of yet. I hope so as
what is one to do. Take care and hope to hear from you.
The intestines are fine but I feel terrible most all the time and have zero endurance. I may go to CA for Christmas. What will you do for Christmas? Anything new? Thanks.
ReplyDeleteBrock, sorry to hear you are not rebounding. Are you taking B12
ReplyDeleteinjections, Methylcohalamin? Has to be injections. Multivitamin and
mineral complex? Acidolphis on an empty stomach?
It's going to be Hell flying now. Total chaos. Hope you have
the stamina for it.
B12 generally given once per month.
I am going to with you wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year. May all of your holiday dreams come true!
Is B12 only good in injectable form?
ReplyDelete& the same to you Kind Sir!
I am going to with you wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year. May all of your holiday dreams come true!
Yes. the injectable B12 is the only one which works. The
Deleteother avenues, i.e. patch, by mouth, are destroyed by
gastric juices. You really need the Acidolphis to put
good bacteria back into your body.
Are you still going to California? Got to -3 degrees where
I am in Western North Carolina. Going to stay close to
home for Christmas. Family issues.
Again, have the merriest Christmas possible.
DeleteMerry Christmas and may it be apart of our glorious
history forever.
Merry Christmas and may it be apart of our glorious
Deletehistory forever. Indeed!
I was going to go today but didn't feel up to it. Thank you for your kindness.
Brock, wishing you a Happier, Healthier New Year and may all
ReplyDeleteyour demons fade away. You are the best of the best.
Thank you.
Too kindand I wish you the same. Happy New Year!!~!
ReplyDeleteHEY !!
ReplyDeleteI sent out a search party to find you.
You doing alright??
OK and I just saw this post. Sorry for the delay.
DeleteHi, Brock. Hope your new year is starting out well. I don't know
ReplyDeletewhat you do with your time but did you read about Jeff Beck
dying of bacterial meningitis within two weeks? No other info
is available such where he might have contracted it. Johnny
Depp was at his bedside. See ya!
I always have a list that that never gets compete! (Because I'm getting ready for your visit) How about the football player?
ReplyDeleteThe football player seemed to have recovered without too
Deletemuch of a problem. What got me was the ambulance
waited on the field for the football player's mother to arrive so she could ride in the ambulance. The football player
must have been stabilized in the ambulance otherwise
they would have been long gone. What a world.
I'll have to see ya later - it's snowing.
Send me some snow!
DeleteHi, Brock. Here is a somewhat different take on Robert E.
DeleteLee that you might find interesting. You can open up and
go to different articles the writer has available on the
West Point and the Pentagon are wiping out the Confederacy
whom I wish had been victorious.
The article:
Thank you, Kind Sir.
DeleteYou are a man of very few words, friend.
ReplyDeleteI am not a 'Sir' but a madam.
Then thank you me dear!
DeleteIt does appear that the newly seated North Carolina Supreme Court is going to shake things up in the voting booth and the legislature. Bravo and best of luck to them and you.
ReplyDeleteGreat and thanks! My Great, Great Grandfather B.F. Moore was Father of
ReplyDeletethe Bar and you can find much about him on my two sites if interested.
Hi Brock. Hope all is better. Just wanted you to know Ron Paul
ReplyDeleteis speaking in Washington DC at the Rage Against War protest.
It is live.
Just saw this as something went wrong and I can't sign in.
DeleteHope you are getting better and on the slow but sure road to recovery.
ReplyDeleteI've been spend my time spreading the word about the Nazis in Ukraine.
Maybe I wouldn't be so passionate about it if I didn't have so many relatives buried on the bluffs above Omaha Beach and in Arlington National cemetery take care and get better.
I'm fair to middling and thanks.:( Do you have more on your relatives?
ReplyDeleteMy mother's oldest sister's son was same age as my mother. He was killed (and posthumously awarded the Silver Star) for staying back to law down covering fire so his squad could retreat from a Nazi ambush. This was on June 20th just two weeks after coming ashore with the bloody 29th Division. No identifiable remains were found. So he no doubt lies under one of those crosses marked " HERE LIES IN HONORED GLORY A COMRADE IN ARMS KNOW BUT TO GOD."
ReplyDelete ~~
My Uncle on my father's side was an active fighter pilot beginning with VF11 at Guadalcanal to getting the Navy Cross while sinking the ISE at Kure harbor in July of '45. He was killed in an accident while preparing new F8F Bearcats for deployment with the fleet.
DeleteA distant cousin on my mother's side war Navy Commander Bruce Harwood. He was awarded the Navy Cross THREE TIMES before being killed in the sinking of the USS Princeton at Leyte Gulf. Where coincidentally my father was commanding an LCT and was beached not 100 yards away when McArthur did his "I have returned" speech. (Which he did three times before he was satisfied with the depth of water he waded through coming ashore.)
ReplyDeleteWhat a coincidence! Should write a book.
In the end Commander Harwood had destroyer DD861 named in his honor.
ReplyDeleteWonderful and thanks Brock
DeleteHi, Brock. Thought I would check on you to see how you are
ReplyDeletedoing. What are you doing with your time these days?
Do you think you will get your website up and running some day?
Is Bacterial Meningitis common in Mexico? I read about a kid in
Mexico who contracted it and was very sick but recouped
well. This was in a small town in Mexico and the local doctor
performed a spinal tap.
Let me know please how you are doing.
The best to you.
Hi and I'm going through all the family papers to get them in order. I believe I had the same one but it wasn't the worst.There are 20 million a year which is not a wide spread one. Anything
ReplyDeletenew? Thanks.
Nothing really new; just trying to survive the downfall of the once
ReplyDeletegreat America. At least going thru your family papers is keeping
your mind sharp. Brain exercise.
I live in Western North Carolina and it has become trashed by
outsiders. No body ever came to the mountains except for
fall during the leaf season. Why now?
Have you been hearing from the man who helped you with the
rotten wood at your Dixieland? Hope you have interactions as
they are necessary for whole body health.
Take good care and will drop in later.
Thank you and I forgot where you live...?
DeleteWeaverville, North Carolina.
DeleteAre you living in Tarboro?
Hi Brock. Wishing you a wonderfully blessed Easter.
ReplyDeleteHope all is better for you.
Hello Brock- was checking in to see how you're doing. After reading thru all your comments, I am heartsick about what you've been through with Dixieland and your health...but am happy to know you're alive and dealing with the Chaos in your own way. Sioux in Battle Creek
ReplyDeleteThank you sweetie, I pray you and your husband are well and anything new?
DeleteWhoops, Anon is me actually🙄
DeleteWe are doing well all things considered. Just made our 7th anniversary, but are still stuck in the Creek. 🤪
ReplyDeleteCan’t believe it’s been seven years — tempus fugit as my Mother would say and how many years since the PATCON?
I had to look back on old emails to find out it was in October 2014 - I was leaving for New Zealand the next week to see the grandbaby.
ReplyDeleteNine years? Seems like yesterday🙃
ReplyDeleteFrom NC Renegade: I hadn't seen these posts before and I am grateful for the kind remarks:
ReplyDeleteBrock, are you doing okay? Haven't bugged you lately so I thought
ReplyDeleteI would. Anything changed in your daily life? We are living in a
battleground except no one is defending America.
Let me know how you are.
The above comment was 'me'.
DeleteJust fine thank you and seems I’ve almost fully recovered. Nothing new, but off to my 60th military school reunion next month and going to see my 92 year old sister before that. Christmas in CA where four of my five girls are and then, hopefully, off to Vietnam for five months. How are you?
DeleteGood Grief! You really have recovered if you are thinking
Deleteabout the long trip to Vietnam. Just like you use to be.
Nothing much going on with me. Watching the country
into communism. Take some pictures of your reunion
if you please.
So glad you have beat the plague.
Best regards, Reborn
DeleteAin't that the truth. Unbelievable. Thanks and I shall!
Hi Brock,
ReplyDeleteRemembering you on this day, Veterans Day. Hope this day is
going well for you and you are doing well.
Did Vietnam come into play as a destination?
Anything exciting going on? Again, a blessed Veterans Day to you.
I'm just fine thank you and hope you are also. I believe I've met my last challenge which was walking down the front steps, which have no rails, without a worry though I guess I still have the 10% balance lost but it isn't bad. I plan on going back to Vietnam December 29th after spending Christmas with my girls in CA. Anything new with you?
ReplyDeleteHoping, Brock, you are having a wonderful, warm Thanksgiving
ReplyDeleteas you deserve something good.
Do you use a cane these days d/t your balance issues?
I guess you couldn't escape total bodily harm completely but almost.
Do you remember that our country stayed the same for decades
after decades; now, mass population which is destroying real
Americans way of life. If you wanted to destroy a Republic......
Again, the best Thanksgiving to you and yours. Reborn
Thank you sweetie and I hope you have the same. Yes, I see no hope for our country unless there is a drastic change among the people and I can get along quite well as the 10% balance that I lost isn’t bad at all. I hope you were around friends and family today!🦃😘
ReplyDeleteA Blessed Christmas to you and yours.
Thank you and the same to you!🍻🎄✝️
DeleteHello, Brock. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your
ReplyDeletefamily and the trip to California was uneventful. Now, allow me
to say, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2024, lets hope. You will be
celebrating the new year in Vietnam I presume. One last time
for Auld lang syne.
Thank you very much and the same to you! May our year be the death of communism!
DeleteBrock, what do you think of what is going on at our border, i.e.
ReplyDeletethe invasion?
Treasonous, as do you I imagine.😡
DeleteHi, Brock. Happy St. Patrick's day to you though it is not as happy
ReplyDeleteas it use to be. You still in North Carolina?
Anything exciting happening in your neck of the woods. Just
watching and reading about the intentional downfall of our once
sovereign country. Gee, I wish we had some German old time
Nazi's to rid us of the communist invasion i.e. politicians,
invaders. I will not be undone!
Hope your health is at a good place and your family are all well.
Let me hear from your kindred soul.
P.S - sure do miss your excellent web site.
Great to hear from you sweetie and I'm still here at 80 though have aged maybe 20 years since my two hospitalizations in 2022. I came for my last visit to Vietnam but will be back in the Old North State next month and I hope you're as well as can be considering our horrid country. I play the Lotto twice a week in hopes of winning enough to buy Dixieland back and put it in trust and at least it makes me feel somewhat better and give hope. I even texted the man who bought it that if he ever wanted to sell and I was still here, I would do my best to buy it back. Then I might feel well enough to start posting again! If you like the beach then you ought to visit.
DeleteYou mean to say you went to Vietnam and are presently
Deletein Vietnam? If so, I am impressed. Is Vietnam as you last
remember it and your past friendships still around?
I think of your Dixieland at times but feel hesitant to bring
it up - rekindling old heartaches. The hard work at
Dixieland payed off as you seem to be in good physical
health i.e. the arduous trip to Vietnam.
Can't keep a good man down!
Still here and will go home next month if nothing changes. Saigon ain't my Saigon anymore but I appreciate the country cities though they have grown also. Can Tho is nice and I go to my last wife's Mother's house each day. Yes, Dixieland. :( We need to visit sometime and thanks!
DeleteHi, Brock. Wanted to wish you a peaceful, spiritual
DeleteEaster. I guess Easter is celebrated in Vietnam in
certain areas. Hope you are doing well. There are
some cases of Bacterial Meningitis arising in the states
spontanously. Probably illegal aliens bringing it in.
Again, have a wonderful Easter. He has risen!
Thank you and and I don't need meningitis again!:) Have a wonderful Eater also and the first words Eastern morn from Mother were: "The Lord has risen" to which her dutiful children would exclaim "He has risen indeed!"
DeleteHi, Brock. I guess you back from Vietnam or soon to be and returning
ReplyDeleteto Dixie. I know you will not for now be returning to Dixieland but
at least its Dixie. How is your daughter, Dixie by the way.
The following is a great article. I esp liked Alex Lund's comment
as I have wondered this before.
Hope all is well.
Thank you and I was supposed to go back yesterday but had to go to the hospital but am doing better today and shall return ASAP. Thank you for the comments and I had never seen any of the articles and will post them. Anything new with you?
DeleteThanks for asking about my well-being. Been sort of down for
ReplyDeletea few months and can't seem to shake it. Must be the depressing
Did you pick-up a pathogen in Vietnam causing illness?
Glad to hear you have recovered and will be back soon.
God speed.
Thank you and I'm sorry and feeling down here too. Not sure what caused my problem but am waiting to have my flight changed whenever they get off their sweet biffy! :)
ReplyDeleteHi, Brock. Are you back yet? Are you feeling better?
ReplyDeleteI guess all the years you have been going to Vietnam,
this trip was probably the most unfamiliar d/t changes
within. Kind of like our country. Getting stranger and
Leave Sunday finally and yes to the others. Join me on your bicycle as we pedal off into the sunset of the early fifties before the world became insane.☹️
DeleteGreetings, Brock. I guess you are back in the states
ReplyDeleteand have settled in. Was your trip back uneventful?
You feeling okay? Did the cost of living in Vietnam
change drastically as it did here?
I know, all I have is questions.
Welcome back!
Thank you sweetie! I am back but not well, in fact haven’t been so for five months. Evidently, the sleeping pills the VA had prescribed for me for 29 years stopped working in a flash and woe is me.🙄 Vietnam is more expensive but as before, I spent about $800 a month for everything. Just amazing! Hope you are well.
DeleteThank you and I finally went to the ER and have a urinary infection and slept well last night on half my sleeping pills as I was knocked out for some reason How are you?
DeleteGlad to hear you got a good nite's sleep. Important for
Deletemental and physical health. I guess that is why the
sleeping pills were not working - over-riding infection.
I am about the same - watching and listening to my
country sink into the abyss.
My doctor of thirty yrs. d/c my xanax of thirty yrs. without
leveling-off. Had all kinds of problems. He was angry
with me for not doing what he said. Punishment, you know.
Physician , heal thy self. Have had panic attacks since
third grade.
Take care and talk to you soon.
Thanks what exactly was he mad about? Truly unprofessional, regardless.
DeleteI quit taking a thyroid med and switched to Lugol's iodine.
DeleteThe lab results were the same. Control, don't you know.
This doctor retired recently at sixty-four.
Brock, you doing okay?
DeleteI’m still here , sweetie! Actually night before last was very bad but last night was better so maybe I’ll be perfect tomorrow! Thanks for thinking of me. I forgot where you live as I wanted to determine the distance between.
DeleteGlad to hear from you and you are well and not in some
Deletehospital. The absence of a response felt ominous.
But, all's well that ends well. Hope your recovery continues.
I live in the Weaverville, North Carolina area. Was a nice
country small town; now an abnormal growth pattern.
Thank you for replying.
I now realize I didn’t reply which I always make a point of doing and I am sorry. Just checked and we’ve many hours from each other unfortunately. I slept quite well last night after discovering a research paper on the Internet. I want to make sure it wasn’t a one night fluke before I mention the particulars though. Have a pleasant Sunday!
DeleteHope your Sunday is going well, also. What kind of research
ReplyDeletepaper was it you read.
Coincidentally, the two prescriptions they named are the recent one I was subscribed and the one before. I tried them and slept well but today wasn’t good. I’m think they now should scan my brain again as they did before a year or two ago as the headaches have gotten worst. ☹️
DeleteI don’t get it….?
DeleteDon't forget the radiation factor. Perhaps a process of
ReplyDeleteelimination before advancing.
Radiation factor?
DeleteHello, Brock. Hope you are having a pleasant Memorial Day
ReplyDeleteweekend and all is well.
Thank you and the same to you my sweet.
DeleteHi, again, Brock. Sending you this article where you are
ReplyDeletehonorably mentioned.
Those were the days, my friend......what now?
Have you been to the beach?
Hey, thanks and don't know why the pictures aren't clear but here is my post below. Yes those were the days my friend like in the Bunkers! One of the best. I try to go walking each day there but aren't up to 30 minutes yet as I'm feeling poorly a good bit as I cut down on my sleeping pills, but I'll get there!
Well, thank you. Did not know you had already posted the
Deletepics to facebook. Don't have a facebook acct so looked
at what I was allowed to see without signing in.
Sorry you are still puny. Have you tried Melatonin liquid, avail
at Publix and Ingles... Much easier to tolerate and it will
kind of drift into you slowly and as long as you are not'
involved in something, sleep will come.
Have your headaches diminished?
No, I sent it to David after I posted it as Greg said David didn’t acknowledge his contact for some reason. Melatonin won’t work long as it ‘rebounds’, stops working. I have the combination I need just trying to get off Zopiclone, but I will be down to less
ReplyDeletethan 1 mg tomorrow! Thanks.
Brock, I think of you often. In prayers too.
ReplyDeleteI'm not bashful in saying that over the years you have brought so much good to so many. God bless you.
I deeply appreciate this, Sir and hope you and your family are well.
DeleteAfter nigh fifty years in CA, mother moved back to NC. Life yanks you hither, you get settled in with church and friends. Then it's where did the time go.
DeleteShe is so happy to be back. Very extremely joyful.
I have a few things to finish here. Then it's back to the Tarheels.
Great news and where will you and your Mother live and when will you come back?
Hi, Brock. Off of 70, south of New Bern. As for me, I honestly don't know when. But my heart is in it.
DeleteNow, I remember you telling me some time before. I’d like to take you two to the pier for vittles whatever you are together and have the time.
DeleteHi, Brock. You know, I didn't know this went to court. For what?
ReplyDeleteThese beautiful people had a permit the trash on the other
side did not. I just ran across this article and was stunned.
You just can't make this stuff up; or can you.
Hope you are doing better.
Forgot to put the article in the comment:
Thanks and can’t believe they are prosecuting torches! Great article and will post now. Still struggling here but will make it and hope you are well also.🌹
DeleteFB blocked it as Spam.🙄
DeleteHappy 4th of July, Brock, if there is such a thing anymore.
ReplyDeleteBut, the founders had the right idea.
Have you been to the beach?
Hope you are improving and sleeping better.
Anything new - hope to hear from you.
Best regards
Same to you, but really as you said🥲😡. I’ve been struggling getting off sleeping pills but did get off the bad one which was highly addictive and am slowly progressing on another. This year they are charging for parking at the pier, so I do go to another city beach at times which are free if you live here but not the same as my pier☹️. How are you?
ReplyDelete"How am I", I'm not even going there.
ReplyDeleteIs the parking fee that high so as to deny yourself your
favorite beach. Seems a shame as so much is being
attacked esp food. How about your headaches - anything?
Wish I knew then what I know now. So true.
Yup and it’s five dollars an hour and not worth it, when I go so like to stay longer after I wall. Headaches come and go as does life.🤞
ReplyDeleteHow is Dixie the Dicks Eater doing?
ReplyDeleteAsking for a friend.
Curious as to why you’re commenting this. Does this have to do with my Dad or Dixie. Cause if it’s just Dixie then go find her social media and comment there. But if you’d like to tell me why……feel free. I can give you my email??!!
DeleteHope you are having a blissful Veterans Day, veteran Brock.
ReplyDeleteHope you are well. Have not touched base with you in a while.
Sorry. Will, I survived Hurricane Helene here in Western NC.
What a mess. No power for 2.5 weeks, phone came on, on and
off, a week later, cable TV/internet another 5 weeks. My bridge
partially washed out so could not leave my humble abode.
Trees down every where, lots and lots of trees. Up in the Black
Mtns., about a mile behind me, constant explosions from the
winds striking the trees. Strange happenings. Will, at least
Trump won.
Please let me know how you are doing.
Goodness, I’m happy you are at least well. If you would like to take a break you could come here for a visit. How is your house?
ReplyDeleteHouse never hit yet trees down all around. A big limb
Deletestruck right up to house but thankfully did not penetrate.
The limb was so heavy, I could not push it over as I guess
it is green wood. One big limb from a big Oak was pure
white; beautiful.
Thank you for the invite. Your typical graciousness.
FEMA is a problem but where ever they go, they are
a problem.. Haywood Cnty, restaurants cooking meals
for the people and giving it out for free. FEMA came in,
told the restaurants to stop. They could charge for the
food but no freebies. Numerous dead bodies stuck in
trees, I guess the flood waters. They got stuck in the trees.
Okay, how are you and anything happen in your area
regarding the magical hurricane?
I’ve had some bad months but seem to be getting better. Would you mind if I posted about FEMA or maybe more?
DeleteNot at all re: FEMA
DeleteThere is so much more.
Sorry to hear you had some problems. Are your headaches
gone? Sleeping better?
Brock, here is some more info though old.
ReplyDeleteI had been listening to a radio station on the radio as
the power was off - ashevillestorm, country and western radio station. which reported
on much of the situation until it was taken off air.
Thank you and sharpen your pen!