Wednesday, July 20, 2011

These out of control cops need to go or this country is going to explode


  1. What is their probable cause to enter the vehicle? Why does the driver permit entry?

  2. Yes, as far as I could tell, they just did what they wanted without any justification at all. Oh, but it's OK, because it is "under" investigation, so we all know how that will turn out, right?

  3. Methinks he doth protest too much. Cop's upset because he subconsciously realizes how incompetent he looks/is: Cop was in the car without securing the driver. If the driver had been a bad guy, the officer is dead, and HE'S the one who didn't follow procedure. He assumed the guy wasn't armed. Idiot tax feeder thug.
    If cop isn't fired for this BS tirade, there is no justice left in the country.

  4. Check out the Canton Police Department (Ohio) Facebook page. Taking a little heat already!

  5. Just checked and this is posted, but they have a long way to he should be fired immediately.
    Canton Police Department (Ohio)
    Dash Cam Video
    I want to assure our citizens that the behavior, as demonstrated in this video, is wholly unacceptable and in complete contradiction to the professional standards we demand of our officers...

  6. His partner is just as guilty. At least one of them should have followed some type of actual police procedure. Someone should have kept their cool and policed the other cop
    If he gets fired then he will just get picked up for a supervisory position in the DHS. He is just what they are looking for.

  7. A commenter at YT said it better than anyone I've seen touch this or a similar topic:

    "The 'Good cops' who cover for bad-cops *ARE* BAD COPS!"


  8. If he gets fired then he will just get picked up for a supervisory position in the DHS. He is just what they are looking for.
    Guess so, but their time is coming also.
    "The 'Good cops' who cover for bad-cops *ARE* BAD COPS!"
    Again, well said.

  9. This PIG's** name is Daniel Harless according to a local newspaper the "Canton Republican" --

    I'd recommend ALL do what they can to push this - the paper also indicates he's been investigated by his IAD 16 times since 2000 - which makes me wonder how many times between 1996 and 2000.

    This PIG** belongs in PRISON - and should NEVER have ANY job with ANY sort of authority over ANYONE, EVER AGAIN!


    **Peace Officers ain't PIGS - if you don't know the difference, you're probably a PIG TOO!

  10. Oh -- more info HERE -->

  11. Daniel Harless
    Thanks I'll make a separate post of this if OK. I see nothing to add to your words.
