Friday, November 9, 2012

The Fight For American Liberty


The sides now are clearly drawn. There will be no respite by a conservative voice. All that Obama has done in his first four years will be doubled and quadrupled in the next four years. Oppression like we have never seen; surveillance that we can neither fathom, nor counter.

Today is the day we have feared and awaited. There is no time to try and do anything legally, the very meaning of legality went out the window on Tuesday. The Obama Administration has demonstrated time and time again its willingness to do things illegally to oppress us, it is time that we turned the tables and allowed ourselves to do things illegally to throw off that oppression.

I recognize no federal law against gun ownership. I recognize no federal law against travel. I recognize no federal law against collaboration, or insurrection. If you are not ready to take this fight on directly, you are not a patriot, you are not a soldier for freedom.

We are faced with an internal enemy, a "domestic enemy" if you will, determined to use the very government of the United States to overthrow itself. They are the enemies of the United States itself, not just those who seek only to make the Constitution valid, to ensure the rights listed therein. Obedience to the Constitution demands an overthrow of this government determined to overthrow the republic.

I don't know how legal scholars would view it, only that there can be no loyalty to a nation designed to eliminate itself and replace itself with tyranny and a contempt for its own founding. I have maintained and always will that I can commit no crime while in pursuit of the Constitutional rights guaranteed to me upon birth. No congress can refuse them, no president can eliminate them through Executive Order, no Supreme Court can misinterpret the Constitution to allow the denigration of my rights, given to me by God and the words of the founders.

I am at liberty to pursue liberty and no legal government of the United States can deny me that right, not by law or re-definition of those rights. Whatever extremes I am made to go to to secure the rights I am promised are justified by the very document itself, by the words of Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights.

Therefore whatever crimes I might commit in pursuit of justice, of liberty and of property are previously absolved by the necessity of their commission, for a truly instituted government on the ideals and principles of the Constitution could not conceivably encounter resistance such that I am prepared to embrace.

Let us now show them the wrath of the righteous and let them seek the comforts of the Constitution which they hold in such disdain. Let them seek refuge from us.

I reach out now to all members of the military forces, of the veterans recently back from Iraq and Afghanistan. What were you fighting for over there? Is it not the same as that should be fought for over here? I reach out to the police forces of the states and cities, in what capacity do you serve? Do you intend to keep order so that certain sectors of the citizens might be abused and accosted by others? Do you seek to provide the legality of theft, of fraud, of murder? Was that the oath you swore? Or, was it different? Did it ask you to protect the citizens from the very types of individuals who now control this government?

What was Fast and Furious/Gunwalker all about? It was an action against local law enforcement; an action against you in the gang interdiction units. It armed the cartels and their cronies with semi-automatic weapons easily converted to fully automatic, to go against you, the average cop on the beat. You are going to stand with them?

Loyalties to the old order no longer work. Just being a cop is not the Andy Griffith sort of endeavor it may have once been. You are more militarized. Ask yourself: for what? The crime is no different than it has been. Yes, drug dealers are better armed, to some degree at the hands of our own Justice Department. Is that a reason to prosecute Americans for some skimpy weapons charge? Don't you see the way in which your loyalties have been used to oppress and victimize the very citizens you are charged to protect, are paid to protect?

From what I see, you do not engage those better armed than you anyway. You are afraid of the gangs. Fear us, then as we will now organize against you in ways you cannot combat. Take me to jail, to prison, I will organize better from there.

Join us or suffer our wrath along with the rest of the statist fascists.

Now is the time for the citizens of America to stand for something. I will begin my campaign against the illegal forces that seek to impoverish and imprison us today. When I am captured, I will demand POW status and Red Cross packages, because this is a war. Get your mind right. As long as there was the possibility of redress, there was hope to forestall the impending disaster that awaits us when the economy can no longer bear the optimism of capitalism. When it crashes, it will crash hard and if we have the fortitude we should begin the clash today, because the fall is inevitable.

My request is only this: beyond my capture this blog will live on, details will be given on it for my benefit and that of my family. I would hope that those reading this will support them so that my sacrifice will not be in vain and if we can extend that protection to every soldier in this fight, we will recruit beyond our dreams.

The one thing that has kept us on the leash to this point is the suffering of our families. Unleash us by promising to provide for them in our absence and the fight will rage.


  1. Hi Brock,
    For the last few years I have been humming a tune and the words to the song are,"When Johnny comes marching home again Harooo....Haroooo...." and it goes on. I know the song well. Funny though, start whistling the tune in the checkout line at Wal Mart or some other such place and be prepared for some strange looks from near by people!! Now and then I get a smile from someone...they know. "It's Time!!"
    Blue skyz,

  2. Maybe I should revise my previous comments. There may be some will to fight.

    Slightly related, I checked a link on the side bar at TL's site. Its a short video of Milton Friedman shutting some stupid hippy down. Worth a watch:

    1. Yes, I remember seeing a different one of his before also. I enjoyed and posted it.
