Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Images of Wounded Knee

Many more @ HRTC


  1. I really appreciate every one of these pictures and to think they reside in Denver and I didn't know it. I expect to soon return to Wounded Knee and hang the little random colored cloths folded around good NC tobacco and strung together on the fence railing beside Big Foot's stele. And I learned here that Chief Big Foot got out of the Army sick bed set up in his tent to go outside and be blown away by a 20 mm Hotchkiss round.

    A couple of Virginia friends of powder making years have taken me to task for my concern for the Lakotah Sioux fate at Wounded Knee. I finally told them, "When you have worked for the U.S. Army longer than my 34 years and have carried German mortar shrapnel in your body longer than the 50 years my Dad carried his, I'll listen to your criticism. Until then, pray the 3rd Infantry Division, which is Janet Napolitano's Palace Guard now doesn't come for you."

    I do miss Russell Means and need to send his beautiful widow a check to honor him. I'm a sentimental old fool, Brock, and you are my hero.

  2. Oh, I guess I've been wrong about the cannon size. One of the photos says 1.65 inch. That would make it a 40 mm cannon. Not as big as my favorite gun, the 155 M92 howitzer, but bigger than my other favorite, my S&W 686 plus. All of them big enough to kill unarmed men, women, pregnant and not pregnant, and little children on a freezing day.
