The LRC Blog
. . . stand up and say, it’s over, let’s bring the troops home from Afghanistan . . .” That’s what the entire panel of rich leftists and neocons on MSNBC’s “Morning Jo[k]e” show said this morning. How amazing — and dishonest — that they completely ignore the one man in Washington who they know has been saying this for years — Ron Paul.
Via Bazz
"It is certainly true that a popular government cannot flourish without virtue in the people." --Richard Henry Lee, letter to Colonel Martin Pickett, 1786
A Band of Brothers
Richard Henry Lee
Thomas Lee’s sons
Richard Henry Lee (1733-1794) and
Francis Lightfoot Lee (1734-1797) were the only brothers among the fifty-six signers of the Declaration of Independence. Their older brother Thomas Ludwell Lee was an active member of the Virginia Convention which instructed the Virginia delegation to make the resolution for independence from Great Britain. Younger brother William Lee in London verbally challenged his brothers at every turn to take action against Britain’s powerful parliamentary regime which imposed tariffs to keep the colonies under tight control. The youngest Lee brother, Arthur Lee, also in London, wrote pamphlets against the injustices of Parliament to inspire public support for independence of the colonies. These five Lee brothers were described by John Adams as, “
That band of brothers, intrepid and unchangeable,. . .[who] stood in the gap in defense of their country, from the first glimmering of the Revolution on the horizon, through all its rising light, to its perfect day.”
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