Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Want to have a prayer before that high school football game? Better be prepared for a million dollar lawsuit from the ACLU, you right-wing extremist clinging to your religion and guns! How about a Christmas tree for the kids in kindergarten? Get ready for every fuzzy little foreigner from every fuzzy little hellhole foreign country to come out from under their rocks to say they’re OFFENDED! Then watch your unionized, libtarded school board run to hide under their burqas! Some education system out hundreds of billions have purchased!

But if you want to preach the beauty and wonder of sharia law….WEEELLLLL, why didn’t you say so? Come on in, Muhammad! Together we shall embrace the wonders of diversity and the beauty of your 7th century cult of murder! Can little Tommy give little Mary a stoning for extra credit?

In Georgia (say what?), school chirrens are being indoctrinated taught about Islam and sharia law. Why? To help them overcome stereotyping, of course. Crap you negative! Keep in mind, this is taking place in heavily “urban” Atlanta where the teachers all read at a 4th grade level. That is, after they falsify their grades to get their union bonuses! They probably thought Sharia was the new kid who moved in from downtown Atlanta.

Here is some of the material being used to teach the chirren (comments in parenthesis by AWD):

“My name is Ahlima and I live in Saudi Arabia. … Perhaps two differences Westerners would notice are that women here do not drive cars (and live to tell about it) and they wear abuyah (or get buried up to their necks and pelted with rocks and stones). An abuyah is a loose-fitting black cloth that covers a woman (like a ninja) from head to toe. I like wearing the abuyah since it is very comfortable (and I can go months without bathing), and I am protected from blowing sand (plus it covers the marks of my husbands fists). … I have seen pictures of women in the West and find their dress to be horribly immodest (all that style! ooooh). … Women in the West do not have the protection of the Sharia as we do here. If our marriage has problems (my husband and my father and brothers will kill me), my husband can take another wife (and kill her too) rather than divorce me, and I would still be cared for (until I am buried up to my neck and pelted with rocks and stones). … I feel very fortunate that we have the Sharia (I’m so lucky! What other religion would kill me for showing an ankle?).”

Sharon Coletti, the founder of Roswell-based InspirEd Educators (and an idiot) and the creator of the material said she does not see why parents may be concerned:



  1. It seems schools' "no religion" policy is in fact an "ABC" policy -- "Anything But Christianity."

    In my (VERY!) rural small-town middle-school a few years ago, it was quite the controversy when it was made known that there would be no "traditional Christmas carols" performed by choir, band or soloists at the December "Holiday Concert." All songs would be of the "Jingle-Bells" variety, with no "religious" connotations allowed.

    It became an uproar when - at the concert - we were all treated to a ~20-minute lecture/presentation on Judaism, Hanukkah & the like by the only two jewish kids (brother & sister) in the school. Included in their presentation was the story of Hanukkah, Passover, the dradle, & other explanations of Jewish tradition.

    To be honest, I would have had no real problem with this had it been part of a TRADITIONAL CHRISTMAS PROGRAM - making room for other faiths & traditions is a reasonable concession.

    But to be told "YOUR religion is unacceptable, but OURS is to be stuffed down the throat of a captive audience" is RIDICULOUS!

    Oh - and to REALLY add insult to injury - we were also treated to a selection of "Kwanzaa carols", which proved the highlight of the evening to my irreverent self...

    The sight of a hundred or so (all white save for 4 or 5) Kindergarten & First Graders performing "kwanzaa carols" - complete with "traditional kwanzaa costumes" made from brown bags - really kicked over my giggle-box.

    What better illustration of the ongoing death of our society & culture?

    "Zere vill be NO Kristmass! - it iss VERBOTEN! - but ze "African Swahili Festival" made up by an American-black murderer vile he vuss in prizon, und ze Joooish shtuff shall be FRRRONT UND CENTER!! Seig HEIL!!"



  2. Too late.

    Youngest is in her last year of HS, and is tied for Valedictorian despite working 4-5 nights per week to finance her car & other expenses...

    Damn right I'm proud!

  3. Eldest - "The Boy" - is a Navy Officer.
    Eldest GIRL (Problem-child) was our "three out of four still ain't bad" kid, but she's now working hard, doing right and paying her OWN way through nursing-school. Wish she hadn't done it the hard way, but...
    Third (second daughter) is an Industrial Design major at VT (Go Hokies!), working as a third-year RA in the "University Honors" dorm & a part-time job off-campus to boot, 3.7GPA, etc.

    Already told you about Youngest...

    Yup - they're all doing as well as we could ask, which is good... Since they're going to have to take care of us when we're old or we'll be eating cat-food...


  4. Actually... The Boy was a VT Cadet, and Youngest will be going there next year in a "partnership program" with Johns Hopkins Medical School... She'll get her Baccalaureate degree from VT then transfer to Hopkins for (most likely) 2 years of med-school before graduating as a CRNP/PA unless she decides to go for the full doctorate...

    Honestly, with the .gov takeover of medicine, I think she's better off with the CRNP/PA -- none of the "residency" sickness, 90% of the education for 1/2 the bills, & unlikely to be enslaved by the .gov medical fiasco in the future like MDs will be...

  5. Oops -- forgot to add...

    Wifey also got her Masters there, so... yeah...

    We're a Hokie Family!

    Sticker on my truck says "Most of my kids & all of my money went to VT!"


  6. Wow! You've got a family to be proud of and I agree with your nurse mention below. Nurses call the shots and are heavily in demand everywhere and can name the hours/days they want.

    I think she's better off with the CRNP/PA -

  7. I've also tried to stress to them to make damn sure that they have a SKILL that they could BARTER -- trade for chickens, eggs, a bag of rice or potatoes if our economy ever got THAT bad...

    Honestly, eldest's "industrial design" degree worries the CRAP out of me, since all the MANUFACTURING is moving away then all the DESIGN jobs will likely go as well...


    At my demand, she's minoring in a foreign language - I insisted either Mandarin Chinese or Spanish, she picked Spanish...

    Ergo, she's set for any potential jobs in Mex, S.Amerika, Philipines, Dominican Republic, etc... This should help offset SOME of her potential pitfalls...

    I wish youngest would have been able to go for the full MD as she'd originally planned, but... With the .gov takeover I just think she's better off with the CRNP/PA... If that should change she'd still be closer to being able to get her MD after a few years experience which would offset residency requirements... She'd just need a couple years of school and a test....

    If TS should REALLY HTF, hopefully having (2) nurses (one a semi-doctor) in the family should help us in joining any community...

  8. If TS should REALLY HTF, hopefully having (2) nurses (one a semi-doctor) in the family should help us in joining any community...

    Good point.
