Friday, September 23, 2011

‘Your Mother’s a Whore!’: Vile Comments Lead to Bar Dispute Between Heckler and Bristol Palin

Someone needs to find this punk and give him a lesson. The bar's at fault also.



  1. AH yes the party of tolerance.... that guy is afucking douchebag.

    I love how he can't answer her questions about what her mother did, he just keeps swearing at her.

    Someone should give him a little of his own medicine.

  2. Someone should give him a little of his own medicine.

    More than that since he was assaulting a girl.

  3. Stupid faggot.

    Ass clown has no decency at all.


  4. I wonder if this dick licker would've made these comments to a REAL MAN! Of course not, but I hope someone somewhere shuts his dick sucking mouth for him...SOON!

  5. Yea for Bristol for being amicable in the face if conflict. The guy was very crass and would have made a better point had he taken political debate classes. But all you commenters need to take a lesson from Bristol as you're every bit as bad, if not worse, than the "dick licker" and "faggot". Leave the hate in the foyer if you please.

  6. Sadly this is staged for Bristol's show.

  7. Sadly this is staged for Bristol's show.

    Now, that is going to piss me off and quite a few others, I imagine, if it is confirmed. Do you have a link?

  8. Apparently it IS true and the guy is her publicist. Funny how there were high tech camera there don't you think?

  9. The story was they were just there filming for her reality show and this was happenstance, though I believe anything these days. I would like to see more on it.

  10. ‘I Apologize’: Bristol Palin’s Bar Heckler Buckles Under Negative Media Coverage (Plus: Bristol Responds)
