Thursday, October 20, 2011

Baseball Players Remind Power-Hungry Democrats to Mind Their Own Morality First

Godfather Politics

Everything is beautiful and rosy in the states and counties run by Democrats in this nation. California, Illinois, New York, and other Democrat states have solved the problems of unemployment, recession, skyrocketing government debt, public sector unions out of control, government spending and fraud. Democrats are running out of problems to solve.

It’s time to focus on fields that so far have evaded the Democrat problem-solving and benevolent heavy government hand. Specifically, the baseball fields.

Yesterday, four Democrat legislators, apparently idle after solving all the other problems of our nation, sent a demand to Major League Baseball to ban the chewing of tobacco. Let’s get this straight, American politicians are something like medieval feudal barons who can order people around, right? That’s why they can make such demands.

But Major League Baseball didn’t kowtow. Clement “Babe” Yastrzemski III sent a reply back in which the League demands that the US Senate bans extramarital sex for politicians. A nice reminder that the four control-freaks are from the same party whose former President’s use of the Oval Office was not exactly within the tradition of decent family morality. Their own party refused to impeach Clinton who gave the worst example ever to the youth of this country among all presidents.

You can read the texts of the two letters here.

Even more outrageous than the savage hunger for control over other people is the Democrats indifference to issues that are even more morally relevant than chewing tobacco. Tobacco is so very important but killing unborn children is not. (One wonders why such concern for the health of children that could have been killed in the womb without any legal repercussions whatsoever.) Counterfeiting and devaluing the currency and destroying the lifetime savings of millions of Americans is not important either. The destruction of the American middle class is insignificant compared to chewing tobacco. The rising Federal government debt, the taxes and regulations, the rape of the American public by unconstitutional organizations like EPA and TSA means nothing.

But chewing tobacco deserves the time of the legislators; that same time is paid by the taxpayers who have watched Major League for decades and never suffered from it as much as they suffered from their lying, immoral, power-hungry politicians. No Major League Baseball Player ever forced anyone to pay his salary. All politicians live off the back of the American people using force to make us pay their salaries.

Democrat – and Republican too – politicians must learn to shut up. We have allowed too much control to be transferred to them. It’s about time to take it back.


  1. Oh, sweet Cheezes!

    I LLOLed!

    Screw Cain - I want whoever wrote the response to be our next POTUS!

