Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Cluelessness of Wall Street Protesters

Conservative Heritage Times

As HarrisonBergeron pointed out here at CHT and Jim Goad at TakiMag, the Wall Street protesters are either stupid or deceptive. These clowns are allegedly protesting Wall Street greed (which is understandable) but they somehow think that Obama (whose administration is teeming with former Goldman Sachs employees) is going to change things. Wasn’t it Clinton who repealed the Glass-Steagall Act and wasn’t it Obama who could have restored it but didn’t? Ignoring what Justin Raimondo has pointed out as the corrupt bankster issue (which is what should be central to these protests) or instead of going after the Goldman Sachs criminals (as suggested by Matt Taibbi), the protesters are off in dreamland making completely unrelated demands. It’s no wonder anti-Western internationalist George Soros sympathizes with them, since their demands won’t affect his pocketbook cronyism but rather are the typical cafeteria plan of unrelated left-wing fantasies. Interestingly, some protesters are even demanding open borders. Do not these people understand basic economics, that a labor surplus drives down wages?

Dennis Mangan hits the nail on the head:

Those who may be tempted to sympathize with the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations – possibly a fair number of readers – should take a look at a “proposed list of demands for Occupy Wall Street movement” (via Malcolm Pollack). A sampling:

Demand three: Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment.

Demand four: Free college education.

Demand eight: Racial and gender equal rights amendment.

Demand nine: Open borders migration. anyone can travel anywhere to work and live.

These demands will create so many jobs it will be completely impossible to fill them without an open borders policy. [emphasis added]

Like radical environmentalists – green on the outside, red within – Occupy Wall Street has another agenda than the one they say they have. Ostensibly protesting Wall Street’s unreasonable influence with the government, a position even Ron Paul supporters could get behind, what they’re really after is the full slate of leftist demands. If these people really wanted jobs, they would demand that open borders, which we essentially already have, should be stopped. But it appears that the elementary notion of supply and demand is lost on them. Those expensive college degrees were even more worthless than they thought.

An anomaly of Occupy Wall Street is that its demands are congruent with Wall Street itself: privatize profits, socialize losses. The sign that was held by one protester has already become iconic:

At 21 years old, I am…

-One semester from graduating college with a degree no one seems to hire

-In massive debt because of that once “dream degree”

-About to become a mother to a baby whose illness has gotten us booted off government health insurance…at 9 months pregnant…

-Scared for our future

-I am the 99%-One can assume that if this woman had real prospects in the job market, she would be more than willing to keep the added income for herself, but since she faces a dire future, she wants the rest of us to help her out of her problems. Since she’s about to have a baby, won’t her husband support the family? But of course she probably doesn’t have one, and wants her fellow Americans to support her bad life decisions. What was that degree in anyway? Women’s Studies? Educational Leadership?

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