Saturday, October 22, 2011

Conservatives and American Empire

Via Rebellion

American conservatives who claim to value liberty and limited government but continue to take pride in the country’s bloated military establishment would do well to remember Randolph Bourne’s pithy declaration “war is the health of the state.”

Conservatives will argue that the basic function of the state is to defend the country against foreign invasion or attack; therefore, allowing the government to make provisions for such exigent circumstances is necessary in a hostile world.

The problem with this argument is that not since the War of 1812 has the U.S. military been deployed to defend the country from foreign attack. The U.S. military, rather than being an instrument of national defense, has been used as an offensive weapon in an imperial project that goes back more than a century.

Now, many conservatives will dismiss the charge that the United States is an empire as left-wing rhetoric, but they must contend with the fact that many within their own ranks have openly boasted of the American Empire.

Conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer said in 2002, “People are coming out of the closet on the word ‘empire.’” Krauthammer even boasted that America is “no mere international citizen. It is the dominant power in the world, more dominant than any since Rome.” Robert Kagan has written of “The Benevolent Empire.” Dinesh D’Souza, after writing in 2002 that “America has become an empire,” approvingly added that it is “the most magnanimous imperial power ever.”


  1. I've come to realize that we ARE an imperial power. Here is the simple fact/logic-exercise that forced me (kicking and screaming all the way) to this conclusion:

    How many foreign countries did Once-great Britain occupy at the height of her Empire?
    How many foreign countries "host" US .mil bases today?



    I'm not saying our INTENTIONS are not honorable, but... I'm sure O-gB's citizens would have argued the same.

    Whether you agree with me or not, one thing is for damn sure: we can no longer afford to be the "world police." It's long past time for other countries - who have thrived while we sank under the burden of protecting THEM for FREE - to pick up the slack and pay for their own defense expenditures!

    Should they wish us to maintain ops in their country, then they need to PAY US FOR THE SERVICE!

    Otherwise, we need to bring our troops HOME-and use them to stop the ongoing invasion of *OUR* country!

  2. Otherwise, we need to bring our troops HOME-and use them to stop the ongoing invasion of *OUR* country!

    Absolutely and I've made the same gradual transformation as you since Vietnam. It's difficult to think that "your" war accomplished nothing other than the mainly industrious people who came here and made the manicured ladies happy!:)
