Thursday, December 1, 2011

Follow up piece on Epic Tram Lady

Epic Tram Lady


Conservative Heritage Times

Verbatim Post


In Saxons, Vikings, and Celts, Bryan Sykes writes about how closely the DNA of the local English matched that of the “Cheddar Man” (a skeleton 12,000 years old). In other words, the local English had been living in that area for probably around 12,000 years. In fact, as Sykes points out, it seems that the overwhelming majority of the English are descended from the Paleolithic and Mesolithic settlers who have been in the British Isles for more than 10,000 years.

But in recent decades, as hordes from the Third World have invaded the British Isles, the ancient blood of the British Isles is under threat. The very country that Englishmen and Englishwomen have known since time immemorial is bring turned into a Third World sewer right before their very eyes. And some angry people are speaking out against it. Emma West, who’s now been dubbed The Epic Tram Lady, apparently had an outbreak on the tram. While her manner might not have been the most polite and effective, it’s understandable that concerned English will be upset at the transformation before their eyes. She had enough and could no longer keep quiet. But apparently candor comes at a high price in the UK, as Emma West might be prosecuted under the new Orwellian PC “hate” laws — essentially for saying in public what nearly every English person I know believes and has more-or-less said in private. I worry about what the future holds.


  1. Same way here. thru inter-racial relationships. People just don't understand what the Bible says about those things.

    It's like clay & iron. You can mix em up, but they won't stay together.

  2. Voluntary inter-racial relationships aren't the problem, but forcing cultures, who have no intention of integrating into their chosen countries way of life, certainly is much like they are trying to change our form of government here. Check out my recently posted WSJ article.
