Saturday, December 24, 2011

Harry Andrews and the Legend of Chateau La Roche

Via Jeanie, Belle Grove

Harry Andrews improbable but true World War I service began in an army hospital. The young man was one of the 7,000 soldiers at Camp Dix, New Jersey, who were cut down by an outbreak of deadly cerebrospinal meningitis. Andrews motionless body was moved to a morgue, and his records were marked "deceased" and sent to Washington.

Harry Andrews was on the slab for some time. The body was then taken back to the hospital for dissection. Doctors opened the mouth, cutting away tissue from the upper palate for bacterial cultures. One of the doctors said, "Let's see if we can start his heart with this new stuff." The "new stuff" was adrenaline. A needle pierced his heart and the doctors punched his chest. Then his heart began to beat again.


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