Thursday, January 5, 2012

Drought Doomed Ancient City of Angkor

Via Survival

The ancient city of Angkor — the most famous monument of which is the breathtaking ruined temple of Angkor Wat — might have collapsed due to valiant but ultimately failed efforts to battle drought, scientists find.

The great city of Angkor in Cambodia, first established in the ninth century, was the capital of the Khmer Empire, the major player in southeast Asia for nearly five centuries. It stretched over more than 385 square miles (1,000 square kilometers), making it the most extensive urban complex of the preindustrial world. In comparison, Philadelphia covers 135 square miles (350 sq. km), while Phoenix sprawls across more than 500 square miles (1,300 sq. km), not including the huge suburbs.

Suggested causes for the fall of the Khmer Empire in the late 14th to early 15th centuries have included war and land overexploitation. However, recent evidence suggests that prolonged droughts might have been linked to the decline of Angkor — for instance, tree rings from Vietnam suggest the region experienced long spans of drought interspersed with unusually heavy rainfall.


Fred Says Goodbye

Kerry And His Mystical Khmer Dau (Rouge)


  1. Fred On Everything!:)

    Reminiscing about Phnom Penh
    "There are crazy friends from distant times and far places with whom I need to eat noodles in various remote back streets and tell lies."


    Sorry to see you go. The best of luck, hope you re-surface, and if not, maybe we'll meet on that perfumed-tree street in Phnom Penh one day where we can "eat noodles, tell lies" and drink copious amounts of Angkor beer while partaking of everything else that some consider immoral and illegal.

