Saturday, January 21, 2012

Everything in the White House is Yours, Mr. President


  1. I've become increasingly adept at avoiding thinking about some things, as they drive me to unhealthy distraction.

    One of them is how in the aytch-ee-double-hockey-sticks My Fellow Americans were ever drawn to the utter moronity of electing this male (note: not MAN!) to be the f***ing DOG-CATCHER, much less President of the United States!

    God help us - and GOD SAVE OUR REPUBLIC!

  2. "Everything in the White House is Yours, Mr. President."

    God willing...not for long, MFer.

    That is the People's White House, and it WILL be returned to a resident who appreciates it and understands its significance.

    Sooner or later...
