Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Is the Republican Party Committing Political Suicide?

It's long overdue.

It took the North Korean government 50 hours after the death of Kim Jong-Il to decide what lie they will present to the public concerning the death of the Dear Leader.

It took the Republican leadership in Nevada almost as long to decide what lie they will present to the public concerning the caucus results in their state. What should have been announced Sunday early in the morning, took another day, plus actions that cast doubts over the honesty of the counting process. And the results just defy the obvious facts and common sense.

To start with, both CNN and FOX News declared Romney as the “winner” when only 4% of the results were in. That anyone would be so sure with only 4% of the results beats any logic. But the MSM continued declaring the victory for their darling without even explaining how they would know he was the winner.

May there wouldn’t be much of an outcry if the Adelson precinct in Clark County didn’t decide to broadcast the counting of the vote at the precinct. CNN and FOX News were there, and reported from the event. It was about 11pm on Saturday. Why so late? So that observant Jews – a great part of the population of the precinct, could vote after sunset. Observant Jews are also know to be the group least inclined to vote for Ron Paul – according to the neocon myths, Ron Paul is “against Israel.”

An hour after the vote started, the numbers were announced: Ron Paul – 183 votes, Mitt Romney – 45 votes, and the others had even less. Ron Paul captured 58 percent of the votes in that precinct. Suddenly, after the announcement was made, FOX News and CNN decided that there is nothing more to report from Nevada, and imposed a complete blackout on any news about the caucuses, until late in the next day.

Now, there is no reason to believe the Adelson precinct is very much different from the other precincts in Clark County. One would expect about the same results in the other precincts as well. May be, given the fact that Ron Paul’s popularity among observant Jews is so low, the other precincts would have had even greater percentage of voters for him.

But Clark County holds about 53 percent of the votes of the state of Nevada. Which means that if Ron Paul won Clark County, he won the state.


  1. Saw this coming, when Herr Karl Rove showed up lurking around in Iowa it didnt take Einstien to figure out the fix was in.A couple years ago I recall hearing the republicrat blowhard Limbaugh remark "Gee the Republicans are being pretty quiet."I remember telling folks back then "Yes,thats because they want to force thesame Fascist policies down your throat,but have more sense than to come in wearing it on their sleeve.A recent remark by Bev.Perdue to the effect 2012 elections should be "postponed" tells you loud and clear what these people are,and where they,re coming from.A 3rd party in this country is going to be the only way to save it , whether its Ron Paul or someone else it has to happen or the USA as it has existed for over 200 yrs,is finished.

  2. A recent remark by Bev.Perdue to the effect 2012 elections should be "postponed" tells you loud and clear what these people are,and where they,re coming from.


    A 3rd party in this country is going to be the only way to save it , whether its Ron Paul or someone else it has to happen or the USA as it has existed for over 200 yrs,is finished.

    The only peaceful solution.

  3. "To start with, both CNN and FOX News declared Romney as the “winner” when only 4% of the results were in. That anyone would be so sure with only 4% of the results beats any logic."

    I have absolutely no patience with this sort of blithering idiocy. It is a very precise and well-studied logic that allows this conclusion. It is a logic called "statistics". A caveman may find it absolutely incredible and inconcievable that, given the knowledge that 2+2 = 4, one may also predict that 2+3 = 5, and that given a numerical sample that is large in absolute numbers yet small relative to the overall population one may draw pretty accurate conclusions about that general population, yet his disbelief and inability to understand the logic behind it does not invalidate said logic.

    As for the rest of it, demonstrate to me that Adelson County's demographics and political leanings are in fact statistically indistinguishable from the rest of the state, and I'll grant the point. However I see no such evidence presented - just the bald assertion "there is no reason to believe the Adelson precinct is very much different". Prove the positive version of that: prove that voting trends and population dynamics in that precinct are largely similar to the rest of the county and state, and that the factors resulting in Paul's good showing there apply elsewhere also. Until then, the idea that Romney would win in a state neighboring Utah does not insult any sort of predictable understanding of reality.

    Ron Paul was never going to win this election because too many Americans still believe in and are loyal to the existing system. Yelling about it won't make this go away.

    1. The Republitards could have prevented all of this by operating in an open and transparent manner - but instead they continue to refuse to release the results data for examination.

      Something SERIOUSLY stinks, and has for a long, long time.

      You really cannot have it both ways - first you say "four percent is enough to predict the whole due to the magic of statistics" then you say "this (four?) percentage is NOT enough to be representative of the whole, ergo there's nothing to see here."


      Tell me: Is that kool-aid grape, or cherry?

  4. Maybe a weaken concoction of Jim Jones' cocktails.........
