Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sherman & The Battle Hymn

The Moneychanger

On 1 February 1865 the war-criminal & genocide William T. Sherman & his invading army marched on South Carolina. Before the rape ended, he would burn out, rape, & kill civilians and the open city of Columbia. He probably just had an eye to his future, where undoubtedly lay a lot of fire for a long time.

On 1 February 1862 Julia Ward Howe first published the bloodthirsty war propaganda song, "The Battle Hymn of the Republic." Pardon me if I share not the enthusiasm of ignorant Christians who still sing this abomination that calls for washing your feet in the blood of Southerners. Not my idea of a hymn, or patriotism. But maybe Bill Sherman still likes it.

Should Southern Christians Sing This?

Battle Hymn Of The Republic — Mark Twain Version

Celebrating Might Makes Right, BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC

The Battle Hymn Of The Republic Unmasked

The Battle Hymn Of The Republic. What Does It Really Mean?


  1. I make this vow, forevere hence I shall turn my back every time this "song" is played or performed. I will counsel those that harken to this abomination and make the effort to open their eyes to the wrongs perpetrated by the Northern devils.

  2. I was born and raised in North Carolina but my family was from South Carolina. My GG Grandfather fought with the "1st Regiment South Carolina Voluntary Infantry" and participated in the Carolina Wars. My family has never sung that piece of crap and neither have I, nor do I ever intend to. I too turn my back on it but I know all the words to DIXIE.

    Proud Grandson of Cpl. Cooper Benjamin Scott G. CO.
