Friday, March 16, 2012

R.L Burnside and Kenny Brown

Good morning Brock, just wanted to say thanks for posting the RL Burnside clip, I don’t know if you are aware that Pam, Mayme and I know most all the Burnsides and RL was one of a kind may he RIP. We came to know all the great MS Bluesmen through Kenny Brown, who remains to this day one of the best friends that my family has. I have shared the stage with Kenny, and RL's grandson, at least 4 times and a host of other famous North MS Hill Country Bluesmen over the past 8 years. Been to their homes, ate with them, partied with them, you name it. Why I even went on a longhorn cattle round up, just Kenny Brown and myself....If you ever get the chance to watch "You See ME Laughing," I don’t think you will regret is a short clip featuring RL and Kenny, this was just before RL passed away maybe a year or so............ this shows how it is in Holly Springs and Potts Camp MS, how blacks and whites get fact this is where I first met Chuck Demastus who just lives up the road from Kenny....................



  1. Thanks Brock for the post. I hope your readers will take time to further look into all the legends of the North Country Blues genre. They are some wonderful people carrying on the last of the traditional blues. Our friend Kenny Brown tours the entire world over sharing this most original of all American music with people from all walks of life.
    It is to me quite wonderful that he is now carrying on the traditions that all the black blues men of the past shared with him.
    Thanks again
