Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Security Theater: Engineer Shows TSA Nude Scanners are Useless, Sues TSA

Roundabout via Northern Blogger

Body scanner images
Body scanners rely solely on contrast -- making them useless if the weapon or bomb-making supply is held off the body, tests have shown.
[Image Source: TSA]

Mr. Corbett has identified a weakness in the device, which essentially renders them useless. He reasoned that both the older backscatter machines and the new millimeter wave scanners all relied on contrast with the body to "see" items, such as weapons or bomb-making chemicals. So he decided to see what happened if a secret pocket was stitched into a shirt, well off of the body.

He tested the theory using a metal case stored inside a secret pocket. Had he put the object in his chest pocket, it would have been spotted in the scans and he would almost certainly have been detained. But by using the secret side pocket, which was not contrasted against his body, he eluded both the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport's backscatter machine and the Cleveland-Hopkins International Airport's newest millimeter wave machine.



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